21 TUE APR 04

Class 21 TUE APR 04

Riddle: Decide for Yourself

Where I first saw this image: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-cornwall-56286719

Is the BBC website a credible source of news? Is it credible enough that you will accept this photograph has not been altered after it was taken? The optical phenomenon is described in ways that sound SORT OF credible, but if the BBC had published it on April 01, maybe we wouldn’t be so likely to accept its veracity. Read the article. Decide for yourself. Leave observations below.



  1. All Feedback and Revisions are conducted on the Rewrite Posts
    • Please put Feedback Please requests ONLY on the Rewrite posts
    • Don’t, for example, ask for feedback on BOTH the Visual Rhetoric post AND the Visual Rewrite
  2. The Feedback Please queue is now more than 20 requests deep
    • To move up in the queue, post a Reply indicating what sort of feedback you prefer
  3. Your Short Arguments need a Title
    • If I’ve already revised your post to say “Needs a Title,” provide a title
    • My next move will be to revise my advice to “Needs a Fucking Title.”
  4. DON’T USE parenthetical citation notes.
    • Refer to the Author, Title, or Publication in your sentence.
    • Refer to this page if you don’t understand: Citation Mechanics
  5. Above your sources, at the bottom of your essay, center the word References
    • That’s it. Just the word References
    • Don’t make it bold.
    • Don’t follow it with a colon.
    • Don’t leave it against the left-hand margin.
    • Don’t put it into quotation marks.
    • Refer to this page if you don’t understand: Citation Mechanics

Writing Advice

Just Passed Scenic Views

The problem with this sign should be obvious, but just to be sure, let’s talk about the serious mistake it makes.


Any writer making the same mistake would have to return her reader’s attention back to the material he’s already read and analyzed, draw his attention to things he might have missed, prepare him after the fact to receive information in the most effective way, and talk him out of conclusions he’s already drawn. All because she failed to put the sign AHEAD OF THE SCENIC VIEWS instead of behind them.

Version 1.
This paragraph makes the “Just Passed Scenic Views” mistake:

In a recent poll, 51% of Americans estimated that most or some of the food they eat is genetically modified (or contains GMOs) while the rest claimed that they eat “no GMOs” or “not too much.” Further, 65% of those who knowingly eat a fair amount of GMO food claim to have read a lot about genetically modified foods, while a whopping 75% of GMO-abstainers admit they have read nothing about these foods. You would think these results would be the other way around if modified organisms were as terrible as some perceive them to be. Instead, the poll revealed that most of the people who are consuming GMOs have gathered a lot of information on them, while 75% of the people who stay away from these foods admitted to reading absolutely nothing about them.

Version 2.
This paragraph tells readers to watch for “Scenic Views Ahead”:

Evidence shows that adults who are educated about genetically-modified foods (GMOs) accept their safety and consume them without hesitation. In a 2018 Pew Center Research Poll, 65% of respondents who knowingly eat a fair amount of GMO food report that they have read a lot about GMOs and feel well-informed. Those who admit ignorance about GMOs, on the other hand, fear and avoid them. Among GMO-abstainers, many of whom admit to having “health concerns” about the products, a whopping 75% admit they have read nothing about genetic modification or GMO foods.

Preview Rhetoric Unit:

(Prepare for Class THU APR 06)

  • Rhetoric for Refutation
    • Includes In-Class Rhetoric Exercise
    • Located in Lectures/Revision/Revision—Rhetoric
    • Due in class today
  • Revision—Rhetoric and Scholarship
    • Use Reply on one of your posts to identify a paragraph we will use for Rhetoric workshop.
    • Answer a series of numbered questions about a sample paragraph.
    • Due in class today or shortly after.

Sources Unit—
(Prepare for Class THU APR 06)

  • Sources Workshop Number 2
    • Responsive to Student X’s trouble finding academic sources
    • Located in Course Documents/Research Tips/Sources Workshop

Writing Skills

Rebuttal Unit

For the sake of practice, let’s assume you are strongly in favor of nuclear power as an alternative to burning fossil fuels. Nuclear doesn’t burn petroleum, coal, or natural gas. It doesn’t emit carbon dioxide or methane. It is, by comparison to many alternatives, a clean and sustainable fuel for producing electricity. You’re writing a paper to promote new investment in nuclear power plants.

In your research, you run across an article by Bob Herbert in the New York Times that concerns you. Herbert sounds pretty knowledgeable, and you know he speaks compellingly for opponents of nuclear power in the US. How can you USE HIS ARTICLE in your Rebuttal Argument?

Does he make mistakes of logic? Does he apply his evidence inappropriately? Does he complain of cost overruns that don’t actually result in overly expensive power? Does he concentrate on one or two objections and ignore all the advantages of nuclear power? Does he set up a false choice between two options when there are other alternatives?

Read the article now:

If you encounter a paywall, find the full text (and more!) at:

Next Portfolio Task

50 Responses to 21 TUE APR 04

  1. davidbdale says:

    Yep: Make every word matter.


  2. davidbdale says:

    My favorite metaphor for essay writers: Act as a tour tour guide- let readers know what’s coming to keep them engaged and make sure they don’t miss the opportunity to agree with us.


  3. -At first, I thought the photo of the boat lifted off the water was photoshopped, but it is actually real. It is a rare optical illusion called a Mirage, and that is when light reflects over two different temperatures.
    -Don’t make duplicates in your feedback please.
    -You don’t want to dispute with the writer, you want to persuade them. You want them to make the same conclusion with you and not let them decide on their own and possibly conclude something different.
    -We must look for sources that are credible so that we have a good point of view and better persuade the reader.
    -In the refutation, it is very important to categorize everything in the paragraph so that way, the paragraph is well laid out and you can understand the argument very well.


    • davidbdale says:

      More accurately:
      —You don’t want to dispute with the READER. You want to persuade them.
      —We must look for sources that are credible so that we CAN REFUTE A MORE POWERFUL OPPONENT.
      —In the refutation, it is very important to categorize everything in the paragraph so that READERS CAN FOLLOW THE CLAIMS.



  4. rowanstudent6 says:

    -That ship is photoshopped. The ship in the image is massive which means that it reality the ship would have been much closer to shore and not around the horizon and if the ship was that close to shore then I doubt that it would move to far above the horizon because of a temperature difference. However, two reputable new sources state that it isn’t photoshop so maybe I’m wrong, but that’s just what my gut is telling me
    -Feedback please should only be asked for rewrites, not both the original and the rewrite
    -Ask for feedback on rewrite and make revisions
    -More feedback? Put it back in feedback please
    -“Just Passed Scenic Views” is pointless because you make a point when it is too late to have an effect on the reader. Make the conclusion early and then show how the conclusion came about. Do not allow the reader to come up with their own argument
    -Give respect to your opponent before dismantling their argument
    -Understand the claims of your opponent and how they relate to your own argument
    -Acknowledge the logic of the opposition’s claims


    • davidbdale says:

      Very good:
      -“Just Passed Scenic Views” is pointless because you make a point when it is too late to have an effect on the reader. Make the conclusion early and then show how the conclusion came about. Do not allow the reader to come up with their own argument
      -Give respect to your opponent before dismantling their argument
      -Understand the claims of your opponent and how they relate to your own argument

      Mostly good:
      -Acknowledge the logic of the opposition’s claims

      —You DO want to acknowledge the SOMETHING of your opposition’s position. It could their claims, their evidence, their sincerity, their reasoning, their ANYTHING (except their conclusion) that shows respect, but ultimately is UNDONE by a failure of evidence, or reasoning, or logic, or whatever convinces you they’re wrong.



  5. giants19 says:

    -Today, class began with an optical illusion. It is an image of a boat that appears to be floating way above the sea level, almost like it is suspended in the air. Intrinsically, we want to believe that this illusion is possible, because we have all seen illusions like this that do not seem real, but turn out to be real. That being said, I do really think that this image is photoshopped. I believe the point of this exercise is to show us that a lot of times we don’t know what is credible until we look into it.
    -We followed up with an image of a road sign that read “Scenic views just seen”. The point of this was that it is pointless to point something out after it is too late for it to be seen.
    -We then reviewed some little things that certain people may have done wrong on some assignments and what we should do instead.
    -We finished with an in-class exercise about low-income youth.


    • davidbdale says:

      We don’t know what is credible until we look into it.

      It is pointless to point something out after it is too late for it to be seen.

      One good reading lesson and one good writing lesson there. That’s enough for one class if you remember both of them.



  6. blueee04 says:

    Today, we first looked at an odd photograph showing a ship floating above the horizon. It’s weird how our brain processes or causes us to see things. I think the distance, light, and temperature definitely effects the way we see things because it’s science.
    We looked at an example of an essay that doesn’t get the point across in the very beginning but instead at the end which mistakenly lets the reader make up their own mind with the evidence they have read. The readers should be drawn in the beginning and have enough information by the end of the reading, that gives them a chance to be persuaded. We lastly looked at assignments that are coming up and the due dates.


  7. oatmealvibes says:

    Riddle: Decide for Yourself – The photo looks like the boat is in the air instead of the water. The photo was published on March 4th so it could be credible. New York Times also did an article on the same mirage. I believe it as many miraculous things that look fake happen all the time.

    Housekeeping: Feedback and revisions are only on the rewritten version. If you post a reply in feedback please, it’ll bump the professor’s response time to your post. All arguments need a title and if he has already told you this, he will change his advice to “needs a fucking title” (that was funny). Don’t use parenthetical citation notes, go back to citation mechanics if you are having a hard time. Lastly, make sure that the word reference is centered and do not bold it.

    Writing Advice: The sign says “just passed scenic views.” The sign tells you what you missed after the fact instead of a warning before. The “just passed scenic views mistake” is that all the evidence is in the beginning and your point is all at the end, you gave the reader the opportunity to draw their own conclusion before your own conclusion, and from there it’s hard to get them to change their mind.

    Preview Rhetoric Unit: Rhetoric for refutation, the rebuttal argument will take the author’s position and the opponent’s position and we take their argument and unmask the flaws in their argument which makes our argument look stronger.

    The rebuttal argument is due Thursday, April 13th!


    • davidbdale says:

      Yes to this:

      you gave the reader the opportunity to draw their own conclusion before your own conclusion, and from there it’s hard to get them to change their mind.



  8. queenrandom04 says:

    I think that all reputable news sources don’t need to be completely serious all the time. If we read the article I’m sure it had a curious, satirical, or comedic tone. Even if it does their writing about this viral picture is like any news source reporting on the black and blue or white and gold dress phenomenon. I think the picture is just the boat on the water as the color is changing. As I was responding David was going over housekeeping when it comes to submitting our assignments. We have to make sure we add a title to our assignment. He gave us advice to not present the evidence we are defending without explaining why we are using the evidence.


  9. tristanb50 says:

    Citation Notes:
    -feedback should only be requested on rewrites
    -all short arguments needs a title
    -don’t use parenthesis-based citations in the paper
    -leave the references unedited, don’t bold it or use a colon

    Just Passed Scenic Views:
    -put your point before the evidence, so the readers can draw the same conclusion with you
    -when writing any argument, you want to persuade the reader rather than argue your claim
    -label the groups of people you’re talking about in simple terms, “GMO-abstainers” and “GMO-consumers”
    Rebuttal Argument:
    -don’t worry on converting people who aren’t open to change
    -the stronger of an argument you can tackle, the more likely readers are to switch stances on an issue
    -figure out what your opponent assumes
    -when using a percentage or an average behavior, explain the context behind the majority/minority

    Tonight: Rhetoric Workshop Response
    4/13/22: Rebuttal Argument


    • davidbdale says:

      So MANY unique Notes nobody else noted:
      1. —label the groups of people you’re talking about in simple terms, “GMO-abstainers” and “GMO-consumers”
      2. —don’t worry on converting people who aren’t open to change
      -the stronger of an argument you can tackle, the more likely readers are to switch stances on an issue
      3. —when using a percentage or an average behavior, explain the context behind the majority/minority


  10. Water says:

    In the mirage image of the flying ship, what determines the credibility to determine whether the source is legit or not. The posts about the flying ship seem to be somewhat credible since they provide sources from the person who took the picture as well as an explanation of what caused the mirage. The sign signifying that you had just passed scenic views, has everything wrong going on with it, you deliver the message once. you had passed everything, making the reader confused about what they just read, it doesn’t give the reader the intention until the end of the. After looking at an example that gives the same idea the sign is talking about GMOs and how it is bad but people still eat them by referencing a poll. We then looked over rebuttal arguments and what makes them talk against your initial claim.


  11. sinatraman17 says:

    Superior Mirage Riddle: BBC is considered to be a credible source, however, the absurdness of this picture makes us question their claims. The image defies everything we know to be true about physics, so we lose trust in the source.

    “Just Passed Scenic Views”:
    -Don’t alert the viewer to an interesting idea with a claim that’s expressed AFTER that idea has passed.
    -Structure claims so the reader consumes them WITH the information.
    -Put the sign AHEAD of the scenic views.

    **Rebuttal Argument: DUE THU APR 13 (11:59PM WED APR 12)**


  12. gracchusbabeuf says:

    The opening for today’s class was a supposed mirage image, and the debate surrounding how it could be verified to be true or false. The difficulty arose from the implausible nature of an image which shows a boat hovering, but it also came from the BBC. So was the source and its explanation credible or was it still too hard to believe?

    A road sign infuriatingly reads, “Just Passed Scenic Views”. This concept, applied to writing, shows how claims need to be properly structured and placed to make sure the reader understands what the information being presented is about. The GMO paragraph examples show how presenting information before making a claim confuses the reader. However, when claims are presented in intelligible ways, they can make strong arguments with the same information.

    Are grass fields safer than turf? Do college degrees pay off on average? The section, “Rhetoric for Refutation”, covers how best undercut your detractors’ arguments. Notably, it is advised to treat your opponents views with respect to avoid insulting a reader who may have absorbed some of the ideas you seek to refute. I will argue, however, that the occasional pointed argument or borderline slanderous comment can be an effective rhetorical tool.

    Finally, the professor covered some important upcoming deadlines for the rhetoric unit.


  13. Riddle: Decide for Yourself
    – in order for anything to be fully understood or considered credible, adequate context must be provided
    – sometimes multiple sources are required to prove the credibility and validity of a point
    – I’m not very sure how to feel about this article. While it could be credible, I also am somewhat under the suspicion that both the BBC and the NYT may have posted it to be a wake-up call of sorts, an example into how a credible source may communicate information that seems to be true and plausible (due to “expert” opinions, “eyewitness” accounts, or scientific information), but is actually false.

    – ask for feedback on rewrites
    – revise rewrites ONLY (for the reason that you will need to show the first version and final version for the final portfolio)
    – Short arguments NEED title

    Writing Advice- “Just Passed Scenic Views”
    – do not wait until very end of paragraph to make point (rest of the paragraph will contain material without proper context)
    – let reader know exactly what you are going to prove FIRST and then provide evidence, instead of providing evidence and then drawing a conclusion

    Rhetoric Material
    – the most valuable sources are the ones that are the most credible


  14. doglover846 says:

    Riddle: It’s untouched image that is an optical illusion with the ship looking like it is hovering over the water. However, it’s just the way the light bends making the image true.
    – This shows that you need to decide for yourself if sources or images are credible
    – ask for feedback only on rewrites
    – only revise rewrites
    – short arguments needs a title
    – put a title on your definition argument
    – “Just passed scenic views”
    – This means don’t wait until the end to make point, you should be making it in the beginning of the paragraph so the reader knows what they are reading about.
    – Rebuttal argument due on April 13th


  15. Shazammm says:

    Hovering ship photograph: Professor saw it on the BBC website. It was photographed as it was taken. It ship is not actually floating, nor was the photographed manipulated in any way. The photograph looks this way because of the mirage/horizon.

    “All feedback and revisions are conducted on the rewrite posts.” Do not request feedback on the original drafts because we want to see the difference between the original draft and the highly improved draft. The professor replies faster to drafts in the feedback please category when you are asking for specific kinds of feedback requested.

    Short arguments need titles. Titles are impactful when establishing your thesis. Do not use parenthetical citation notes.

    Just passed scenic views: We do this in our first drafts at times. We convey a lot of things in our writing that we tell our readers to pay attention to. But they do not know what to pay attention to because we do not give any guidance.

    Small exercises.


  16. mellowtacos says:

    Real or fake?
    —-Ship appears to be floating however it is not

    —-Feedback and revision- only ask for feedback on the rewrite
    —-Never revise original draft
    —-When asking for feedback leave a comment to guide Professor where you would like help
    **Short arguments need titles**

    —-A sign should be before the view not after
    —-We do this in writing, we offer a lot of important info but the readers weren’t sure what they
    were supposed to look for.

    —-Gives important information but doesn’t explain why it’s important before giving the info.

    —-put the conclusion in the beginning of the paragraph

    Authors Position: In the NFL, grass fields are safer than artificial turf
    Opponents Position: Grass fields are choppy and unkempt

    Unmask the False Analogy that NFL fields are like high school fields.
    —-signal other points of view by using blue font (call them critics)
    —- use red for accommodations that show respect for the divergent viewpoint (worthy
    opponent, in wrong)
    —- use green to indicate where the rebuttal begins.
    —- identify the who you are arguing with
    —- do not just throw rebuttals in your paragraph (why are you arguing with yourself)

    Author’s Position: Some, but not all, college degrees are good financial investments.

    Your Worthy Opponent Says: On average, college degrees pay off.

    The Rhetorical Strategy: Unmask the False Conclusion that students should be encouraged by “average outcomes.”


  17. pinkheart84 says:

    Housekeeping: only put feedback please on your rewrite posts. Short arguments need a title. Don’t use parenthetical citation notes. Center the word “References” at the end of your paper. Say what type of feedback you’d like.
    Writing advice: Just Passed Scenic Views- make sure your point is before the evidence and conclusion, so the reader knows what to pay attention to through the paper.
    Preview Rhetoric Unit: Very important to categorize everything in the paragraph so that you can understand the argument. Needs to be very persuasive na good evidence. Helps to have techniques of introducing a refutation argument.
    Revision rhetoric: answer questions in reply field
    Rebuttal argument: due April 13


  18. g00dsoup says:

    Riddle: Decide for yourself
    There is an image of a ship that appears to be over water. Quite literally, floating over water. The photo seems fake. Someone could’ve easily photoshopped the boat to appear over the water to make it look like it’s floating. I could’ve easily photoshopped a boat to appear flying in the air.

    According to multiple sources, the photo is an optical illusion that caused the ship to appear it is floating. This optical illusion is called a mirage, which is an optical illusion that is caused by atmospheric conditions.

    -All feedback and revisions are conducted on the REWRITE POSTS
    -Only put your Feedback Please category in the REWRITE of your assignment
    -To move up in the Feedback queue, indicate what type of feedback you’d like
    -Provide titles to your pieces
    -Do NOT use parenthetical citation notes
    -Refer to the author, title, or publication in your sentences
    -Above your sources, center the word References
    -Do not bold it
    – Just center the word References and that’s it

    Writing Advice: We often offer a lot of advice and engaging material…but we often forget to tell our readers to look for them.

    Rebuttal Argument is due April 13 (11:59pm on April 12)


  19. cherries267 says:

    Looked at a photo that seemed like an optical illusion.

    Went over housekeeping things for the class.

    Going over how to write the proper rebuttal.


  20. tlap23 says:

    4/4 class

    Warmup: Optical illusion shows a photograph taken from the shore of a large ship seemingly floating over the horizon in the ocean. However, it is not photoshopped. Mirages are being implemented to alter someone’s perception of a picture due to temperature differences.

    Housekeeping: Only put rewrite arguments into feedback category
    -If you want a faster reply, leave a comment on your own post indicating what type of feedback you would like
    -All short arguments must have a title
    -Do not use parenthetical citations

    Rhetoric: Unmasking false conclusions and analogies
    -In class we went over a few examples of a short summary and there are two sides to the argument. The Rhetorical strategy is to identify the idea that is separating these two different arguments and make sense of it.

    Next assignment: Rebuttal argument: My opponent is wrong!
    – Due next thursday, 4/13
    -Third short argument for research paper


    • davidbdale says:

      The Rhetorical strategy is to identify the idea that is separating these two different arguments and make sense of it.

      That’s certainly ONE important strategy.



  21. fatjoe000 says:

    -Put feedback please only on the rewrite posts
    -For example, don’t ask for feedback in both the visual rhetoric post and the visual rewrite
    -To move up in the queue post a reply saying what you want feedback on
    -Put a title on the short arguments
    -Titles can set readers up for your argument
    -Don’t use parenthetical citations
    -Just refer to the Author, title, or publication date in your sentence
    -When we write we need to give a heads up when giving all the reasoning and evidence that would help them agree with you
    -Don’t let your readers drive through your argument blindly
    -For the rebuttal find paper someone worthy of taking down
    -Call your opponent worthy, not stupid


    • davidbdale says:

      Saved your mediocre Notes with these at the end:
      -Don’t let your readers drive through your argument blindly
      -For the rebuttal find paper someone worthy of taking down
      -Call your opponent worthy, not stupid


  22. gobirds115 says:

    Class Notes 4/4:

    -To start things off, we look at a picture taken from the shore of a boat that seems to be floating. However, this is just an illusion as the boat appears floating due to mirages and differences in temperature.

    -Housekeeping: Rewrites are the only papers that should be submitted for feedback; By leaving a comment on your post after submitting it for feedback it will keep it fresh in the feed which will increase the likelihood of it getting looked at; Title your short arguments; Don’t use parenthetical citations

    -Rebuttal Argument is Due April 13th


  23. inspireangels says:

    – Don’t place “Feedback Please” category on the post of the non rewrite
    – Do leave a comment on what specific feedback you are looking for
    – The argument need a title
    – Do not use parenthetical citation notes
    – Center the word References when citating your sources

    Writing Advice:
    – The problem with a sign is that the sign state ‘just passed scenic view” after the scenic view has pass by. It would been better if this was indicate before the scenic view so the audience would have a chance to actually see and know what they are supposed to be looking at. This is could also be said when writing your rebuttal argument essay.
    – It hard to get the audience to agree with your claim when you state what they should be looking at the end after you list out the evidences and reasoning to your claim

    Rebuttal Unit:
    – The problem with averages, false conclusions of averages when making a rebuttal argument can give false correlation to your argument
    – Use signal phrases that indicate that there are other point of view
    – Show accommodation that shows the respect different viewpoint
    – indicate where your rebuttal begins


  24. fulcrum66 says:

    We begin class by looking at a photo of a ship mirage that makes a cargo ship look as if it is floating. These are called superior mirages. When a news source presents something unbelievable, my immediate reaction is I question it without a doubt and try to research what is going on to understand the situation and form an opinion on it.

    We go over a few areas in our writing we can fix such as adding a title if we are missing one and not adding a parentheses citation at the end of quotes.

    When writing you must introduce your evidence and explain why it is relevant so when a reader reads it for the first time, they understand it’s relevancy and are not confused.

    We go over our next argument, Rebuttal.


  25. chickennugget246 says:

    Riddle: Decide for Yourself: the ship looks like it is hovering in the air above the water, but it is really just an optical illusion caused by special atmospheric conditions that bend light.
    We should make sure the sources we are using are credible because they can be misleading.
    All feedback and revisions are conducted on the rewrite posts. We ask for “Feedback Please” only on the rewrite posts. Professor Hodges first begins responding to posts under the feedback please category when there are comments from us. We should comment on what kind of feedback we would like to receive, so we can be guided in the right direction on improving our work.
    Short arguments need a title. Titles establish our hypothesis, and they are really helpful/useful.
    DO NOT use parenthetical citation notes. Refer to the author, publication, or title in your sentence.
    Center the word “References” and do not bold the word. Do not follow it with a colon, do not put it in quotes, and do not leave it against the left hand margin.
    “Just Passed Scenic Views” – The sign notifies us that we just passed scenic views after the fact, that we just passed scenic views. It does not notify us beforehand to look out for the scenic views, so we do not realize what we are looking out for, until after the fact. We might not have realized that we passed them until it was too late. We do this while we write; we lay out a good case and provide evidence, but forget to tell our readers to look out for them. We think that our readers are looking out for all of the details, but they are not, since we fail to notify them from the start. It is very important to tell our readers what to look out for from the beginning, not the end, since it will be too late.
    We should say things earlier in our arguments to warn people what to watch out for. We can place the conclusion at the top and then prove that with evidence.
    We have to be aware of the way we phrase things and the way we sequence our arguments, so our readers can understand us and follow along as we convey our message.
    For the rebuttal argument, find someone (a source) that is worthy of taking down, and address it head on. We have to find strong arguments that we can undermine. These other arguments (our competitors) can be persuasive on a specific topic that we are trying to argue against.
    Within our argument, signal that there are other points of view.
    To be “more respectful” we can say something like, “My worthy opponent is wrong.”
    We can identify our terms within our argument by labeling them. For example, “Student A” and “Student C.”
    If the average salary changes, that doesn’t mean that your salary will change. – Be careful with wording because it could be tricky and we do not want to mislead our readers.


  26. pinkmonkey32 says:

    -Put feedback please only on the rewrite posts
    -If you want feedback quicker leave reply below your post
    -Titles are important to your essay, it is a building for your essay and tells what your essay is going to be about.
    – Grammer is important, Reread your essays and fix any grammatical errors.
    -your readers need guidance in order to make it through your essay otherwise they might veer off.
    -when writing your rebuttal argument don’t prove a point against someone who has already been proven wrong, choose someone who hasn’t.


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