Bibliography- blueee

  1. Vohs, Kathleen; Mead, Nicole; and Goode, Miranda “Merely activating the concept of money changes personal and interpersonal behavior” Sage journals, 1 June. 2008.

Background: This article explains how money plays a big role in peoples lives but it hasn’t been researched as much. Although what it shows is how people can be more helpful when reminded of money, meaning having a reason to do something. But is it even help if you’re doing it do get something in return. People will put their all into a task and work harder than those not bribed with money.

How I used it : I used this source to explain that when money is involved it changes ones behavior. Someone can be easily bribed to do a task and they’ll want to do it more if money is involved.

2. Letkiewicz, Jodi; Robinson, Chris; Domian, Dale; Uborceva, Natallia “Behavioral and wealth considerations for seeking professional financial planning help” SSRN, 30 Sep.2015.

Background: In this article there is information explaining how individuals with lower income risk financial issues because they don’t get the same advice as those who have a higher income. When they get advice they just take it as a compliment.

How I used it: I used this to explain how people with lower income are treated. People with lower income don’t get the same opportunities as those with higher income. This source showed that the rich and poor get treated differently.

3. Scheve, Kenneth and Stasavage, David “Taxing the rich” , published 2018

Background: In this article it explains how people argue about the rich not being taxed fairly just as others are. Someone stated in the article, very briefly, believes that the governments don’t tax the rich because inequality is high or rising. Their is no equality or fairness to how everyone is taxed. The system is rigged to favor the rich.

How I used it: I used this source to show that the rich are above the poor. The government does not help because they are the ones that set up the taxing conditions. This is another example of how there is no equality.

4. Verschoor, C. Curtis “Are the rich more Unethical and greedy?” Institute of Management Accountants, May.2012.

Background: In this article it explains how the poor are likely to be more generous and less selfish. A University of Toronto published several studies showing that wealthier people act more unethical than those with less money. A lot of the evidence shown explains how in some of the largest fraud cases that the CEO was the one directly responsible.

How I used it: I used this in my essay to show that the poor are more likely to be generous even if they don’t have much, while the more wealthy are commonly greedy and selfish. The rich have the opportunity to do something good with the money they have but instead they are greedy. This shows how a lot of money can change the way one acts.

5. Bratanova, Bokya; Loughnan, Steve; Klein, Olivier and Wood, Robert “The rich get richer, the poor get even: Perceived socioeconomic position influences micro‐social distributions of wealth” Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 22 March. 2016.

Background: In this article it explains how two studies examine whether psychological mindsets adopted by the wealthy and the less wealthy act to perpetuate inequality. Their was a study held and the wealthy pursue their self interest, the poorer challenged inequality by rejecting unequal offers. In this study many was offered to both but as they hypothesized, the wealthy individuals are more stingy, they think of themselves.

How I used it: I used this to support the fact that the poor are less stingy than the rich. One may believe that the poor would be more greedy due to them not having much but it’s commonly the opposite. This source explains how money and differences effect behavior.

6. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, “The rich are easily offended by unfairness: Wealth triggers spiteful rejection of unfair offers” 5April. 2017.

Background: In this article it explains how three studies were held with University students and nationwide, this experiment was to show how people will act in different situations with inequality. “In this game, the proposer gives the responder an unfair offer of CN¥2, but keeps the remaining CN¥8 out of CN¥10. If the responder accepts the offer, each receives the proposed amounts; otherwise both receive nothing. We chose the ¥2/¥8 offer that can elicit roughly 50% rejection rates.”

How I used it: I used this source to prove that even the rich are bothered by inequality. I used this as evidence because the experiments that were explained in this article showed that the poor were more than willing to take the unfair offer.

7. Taneja, Rimple “Money attitude-an abridgement” July. 2012.

Background: In this writing the author explains that the role of money has become a the means and end of our happiness. It states that individuals attitude towards money depends on several things such as their childhood experiences, education, financial and social status. They could also pick up their attitude from the ones around them, such as friends or family.

How I used it: I used this to show that rude behavior can be learned from the people we surround ourselves with. Two people can grow up in a wealthy environment but one could have a whole different behavior than the other. If you are around negative people than you are prone to grow up as one of them.

8. Davidson, Dan and Harrington, K Vernard “Workplace bullying: It’s not just about lunch money anymore” Southern Journal of Business and Ethics, 2012.

Background: This short writing is about how not only children are getting bullied for money but so do adults, in their workspace. In a recent report it was shown that 35% of U.S. workers claimed to be bullied while at work. Although, bullying is a problem it has not been made a legal problem.

How I used it: I used this to support the fact that even adults get bullied at work. People don’t always grow out of the immature life style. Some get used to it and think that there attitude towards others aren’t a problem.

9. Johnson, R. Pamela and Indvik, Julie “Rudeness at work: Impulse over restraint” Sage Journals, December. 2001.

Background: This article explains how managers and employees attitude can cost the company millions of dollars a year. Their behavior drives customers away and although being rude isn’t a sign of violence or harassment it could eventually build up to that or worse.

How I used it: I used this to explain how company’s even lose out on money due to the behavior of the workers. I stated that no one wants to be treated rude, workers don’t know how bad of a day their customers are having. It’;s not that difficult to treat them with kindness.

10. Mahrunnisya, Dyanti; Indriayu, Mintasih; Wardani, K. Dewi “Peer conformity through money attitudes toward adolescence’s consumptive behavior” International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding, 2018.

Background: In this writing it explains how people can be effected by their peers. People may act a certain way because they want to fit in, be recognized or accepted. It also states that money is a source of energy but it can lead to war or conflict. “Individuals attitude towards money is influenced by cultural and individual differences, such as gender, personal values, family, life cycle, age, educational level and social status.”

How I used it:  I used this to support that the way people grow up affects their behavior. The people we surround ourselves with is how we are usually going to act. It is in our control if we want to become rude or treat people with kindness. There is no reason to try and fit in with negative behavior, this never gets anyone far in life.

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2 Responses to Bibliography- blueee

  1. blueee04 says:

    Could you grade this please? Thank you!


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