
1) Ehrenfreund, Max. Goldfarb, Zachary. 11 essential facts about guns and mass shootings in the United States. The Washington Post. June 18 2015.

Background: This article describes the facts that amount to the gun control situation and the mass shootings.

How I intend to use it: This article will help support my claim that something needs to done with gun control. My claim will basically be that think Americans we do have the right to own guns but it should only be certain types.

2) Beckett, Lois. What We Actually Know About the Connections Between Mental Illness, Mass Shootings, and Gun Violence. PSMAG. June 10 2014.

Background: This article describes the relationship between mental health issues and mass shootings.

How I intend to use it: To establish a point to help get people better treatment for people that suffer from mental health problems.

3) Lee Hee Ye, Michelle. Has there been one school shooting per week since Sandy Hook? The Washington Post. June 29th 2015.

Background: Discusses the facts on school shootings since Sandy Hook.

How I intend to use it: To describe that this is a daily occurrence and not just something that happens only once a year.

4) Rayfield, Jillian. Gun rights advocates: Arm our teachers to help stop school shootings. Salon. December 18 2015.

Background: Discusses how arming teachers could help prevent shootings.

How I intend to use it: As a proposal to limit mass shootings that are happening today.


Background: This article describes how the United States leads the world in Mass shootings.

How I intend to use it: To show why the United States is leading the world in school shootings and what can be done to bring the rate down.

6) Follman, Mark. No, Mental Illness Is Not the Main Cause of Mass Shootings in America. Mother Jones. Oct 27 2015. Dec 4 2015

Background: This article explains how mental illness is not the main cause of mass shootings and states that many people who have mental health issues are not violent people at all.

How I intend to use it: To show that what most Americans think what the main cause of mass shootings are and how the article rejects their claim.


Background: This is a poll rather than article. The question to the poll is that is that whether Americans should be allowed to carry guns or not.

How I intend to use it: To show what most Americans think if it is right to carry guns or not, then compare their answer to my opinion.

8) Serna, Joseph. Elliot Rodger meticulously planned Isla Vista rampage, report says. Los Angeles Times. Feb 19 2015. Dec 4 2015.

Background: This article describes how the Isla Vista planned his attack in Santa Barbara and it also explains why he planned the attack and what was the reasoning for is rampage. It also shows the aftermath of the attack that led to seven people’s deaths.

How I intend to use it: One of few examples I’m going to use to show what type of mass shootings have occurred over the past decade. I will also be using this example to explain why this shooter decided to go on the rampage that he did.

9) Oh, Inae. NPR. FBI Says Background Check Error Let Charleston Shooting Suspect Buy Gun. 10 Jul 2015. Dec 4 2015.

Background: This article explains how there was a miscommunication between the FBI, local law enforcements and the business that was dealing arms that lead to the background check failing for the Charleston shooter.

How I intend to use it: To show that some background checks are not always accurate which can lead to mass shootings. Also this will be one of the examples shown on why we need stricter background checks within our country.

10) Medina, Pamela. Self Growth. Top 3 Reasons For Background Check. 16 Nov 2015.

Background: This article explains what are the top 3 three reasons for background checks and why they are essteinal to preventing mass shootings.

How I intend to use it: To show the reasons why the United States needs to have stricter background checks so that companies won’t just sell guns to anyone. Also this article will show why background checks can fail and the consequences that occur if they do fail.

11) Flowers, Matt. Courier Post. Charleston Shooting Shakes South Jersey. 19 June 2015. Dec 4 2015.

Background: This article shows how has the Charleston shooting has affected local churches around South Jersey and to show that these churches also plan to make stricter background checks against people that don’t regularly attend their church.

How I intend to use it: To show that mass shootings shakes have reached home and what are local communities doing to try to prevent them and how they react to them.

12) “What Exactly Is a Mass Shooting?” Mother Jones. Mark Follman, 24 August 2012. Web. Dec 4 2015

Background: This article describes how the FBI defines mass shootings and what certain number of victims there need to be in a firearm attack for it to be considered a mass shooting. A mass shooting is also composed as a single individual unleashing an attack on others.

How I intend to use it: A mass shooting isn’t clearly defined, but they occur often that they do need to be defined. The FBI gives their definition on what a mass shooting is and what the outcomes determine a mass shooting.

13) “Another: The 45th School Shooting in America in 2015.” NewsWeek. Michelle Richinick. 1 October 2015. Web. Dec 4 2015.

Background: This article follows the recent attack on the Oregon community college shooting and explains how the recent attack is the 45th to occur this year in the first nine months of 2015.

How I intend to use it: To show that mass shootings are a commonly occurrence within the United States and also this article will represent how likely mass shootings occur since the devasting Sandy Hook shooting.

14) Forand, Rebecca. Police Probe Threat to Kingsway Regional High School. Nov 11 2015. Dec 4 2015.

Background: This article describes how Kingsway Regional High School was under of a threat of a school shooting and also discusses how the community handled it.

How I intend to use it: To describe how mass shootings have affected the United States so much that the problem has reached local communities.

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