Rebuttal Rewrite- zipemup1

Lows Of Financial Literacy

Although the idea of adding financial literacy into the curriculum seems ideal for students and their future. Many still believe that it would be a mistake to make it apart of the regular curriculum in schools all across the country.

Some contend that merely including financial literacy in courses is insufficient to prepare students for success in the real world. We continue to educate ourselves throughout our lives by learning new things. Learning basic reading skills, for example, is necessary for being literate. The educational process, on the other hand, proceeds as we widen our vocab, strengthen our reasoning abilities. The same may be said for personal finance. Most families are already familiar with the fundamentals of budgeting, saving, and investing. However, no one is setting aside money in an emergency fund for a rainy day. Continuous attentiveness to financial education is at the heart of financial success.

Personal experience is more valuable to a person’s financial education than any other teaching. Experience, more often than not, is the finest teacher, and life frequently works in this manner. Although it is undeniable that financial literacy in the United States is not where it should be, it is equally true that teaching finance does not guarantee that individuals will be financially savvy. Most would say falling into a difficult situation is the best way to learn financial literacy. A high school class is not the best way to gain financial literacy but in the real world.

Some argue that teaching financial literacy to high school students is a waste of time and money. When kids go to school and are in class, they tend to become lost in their own thoughts and become bored. The majority of the material they were taught throughout their high school careers is forgotten. They would only utilize the information to pass the next test. If students can become bored in a history lecture, they would undoubtedly become bored in a financial literacy class. Passing a financial literacy class with high honors does not make you skilled with money.One of the primary reasons individuals are bad with money is because of their habits, not because they are uneducated. Changing our behavior is important to improving our financial situation. Part of America’s money problem stems from the way we behave, and another part stems from the fact that we don’t make enough of it while the expenses of things like housing, education, and health care continue to rise. Financial literacy will not assist to improve stagnant wages or bring the federal minimum wage, which has stayed fixed for years, up to inflationary levels.

Nowadays, no one understands how to teach financial literacy, and no one is willing to teach it. Experts who teach financial literacy are few as a result of the school system’s lack of modernity. Unfortunately, many instructors lack financial literacy skills and are therefore unprepared to teach it to the next generation of pupils. The educational system is still heavily directed toward courses like math and chemistry, or disciplines desired by post-secondary schools. This makes adding a financial literacy course incredibly difficult.“Teachers feel unqualified to teach financial literacy,” says Julie Heath, director of the Economics Center and economics professor in at the University of Cincinnati. “Eighty-two percent say they are not prepared to teach these concepts, even as over 90 percent of them think they need to be taught in schools.” Just like the rest of the American population some teachers face financial issues as well. To teach such a subject you need to practice what you preach and lead by example. If a teacher is sitting in debt they most likely would not be the best candidate for the matter.

All and all the responsibility of teaching financial literacy should not be held to schools but in the household. In the US roughly twenty five states require some kind of personal finance course before graduating. But still most of the requirements for the classes are minimal. The education provided for these classes is simply not enough for children have a complete understanding of money. The reality is that the responsibility of financial literacy for kids falls squarely on their parents. Parents should be teaching their children basic money knowledge throughout their lives so they are not left clueless when the time comes for them to make crucial choices. Schools should not be left to educate the youth for financial literacy. There is too many holes in the system as well as more significant priorities in their case. The parents need to take charge so kids can have a better future.

In conclusion financial literacy is very essential for the growth of our youth. Without such an important life skill many will struggle to survive.With schools robbing children of this vital knowledge they are unknowingly killing them. This needs to be introduced in every course all across the country. This will create a better future not just for our youth, but for the entire country.


Coleman, Hank, et al. “Why It’s a Mistake Teaching Financial Literacy in Schools.” Money Q&A, 18 Apr. 2019,

II, Kevin L. Matthews. “Financial Literacy: Why It’s Not Enough.” The Plutus Foundation, 13 Apr. 2020,

“Why Financial Literacy Isn’t Enough.” Worth, 24 Feb. 2021,

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