Safer Saws- Spagettitacosforthesoul

Safer Saws- Spagettitacosforthesoul

Manufacturers “unquie opporinity” This definition claim evaluates the faith steve has in his invention. Without hesitation, he took the opportunity to use himself as a test subject on highly dangerous equipment to prove that SafeSaw is effective.

Customers’ “potential for unintended consequences” this causal claim reflects the consequences of safety from an economic standpoint. If safety were mandatory for all saws it would not only increase the price but could discourage companies from making dangerous tools in order to meet different requirements.

Industry Spokespeople “faster then what your reflectives can respond to danger”. This factual claim empathizes how safe the SafeSaw really is. The spokesperson is giving people information on how the device works and how well it works. While using demonstrations for the audience to understand its potential.

Consumer Safety Advocates  “CPSC’s 4-1 vote” this quantitive claim evaluates how the Consumer Product Safety Commission because it evaluates the support of SafeySaw through a vote. CPSC believes that they have a problem with the regular table saw, and safety is their top priority. They believe if there is a solution then the solution should be adopted.

Injured Plaintiffs “could have prevented his 2007 injury” This proposal claim suggest that SafeSaw would have drastically changed someone’s life if the technology were available sooner.

Personal Injury Lawyers “collapse unexpectedly and cause injuries” this is a casual claim because it evaluates the consequences of what tables saws can do to people. In doing so they’re comparing how SawStop is a better decision for consumers because it would increase safety dramatically. The personal injury lawyer believes that SafeSaw should be adopted everywhere because of the emphasis that SafeSaw could have prevented injuries.

Government Officials “concerns about mandating this kind of safety standard” This ethical claim evaluates that there is hesitation for moving forward with this safety measurement. It has a handful of problems it can encounter even though the outcome of SafeSaw is so pleasing.

News Reporter “good kind of saw to me” This evaluative claim examines how the judgment of the news reporter is in support of the saw. The reporter believes that more companies should adopt this machine because of its positive Safety efficiency.

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