

2A.Injured man says Bosch Tool lobbied feds to keep safer power saws off the market

2B.A man who has been cut by a miter saw says Robert Bosch Tool corp should be kept from being required on table saws.

2C.what type of claim?

2D. Ryzard Wec has been injured by the safer power saws think that they should be off the market.He agrees not to employ such safer alternatives.Wec wants to assure that those alternatives would not become “state of the art”. Wec believes his permanant and “traumatic” injury could have been prevented if Bosch and its competitors had not rejected  the safety technology.

6.personal injury Lawyers

6A. Table saw Injury Lawyer

6B.Thousands of people are severely injured after using table saws

6C. what type of claim?

6D.Many people who have been injured are bringing table saw injury lawsuits against table saw manufacturers.there are over 40,000 table saws injuries every year.largest tool manufacturers rejected swats safety technology.

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