Open Strong – Kilotoon

The sport of powerlifting should be introduced and made available to children and adolescents in every school, as it would largely benefit the health and lifestyle of the students. Strength training, the primary focus in the sport of powerlifting, is known to be exceedingly beneficial to children and adolescents, along with having an vastly low injury rate compared to the notoriously heavy contact sports available in nearly all schools across the country. One major advantage of the sport of powerlifting is how almost every variable can be controlled and manipulated, unlike the popular heavy contact sports where the weather, other players, coaches, and other variables cannot be completely controlled. Introducing this sport to children and adolescents as early as possible will help grow powerlifting into more of a mainstream sport, which will not only inevitably contribute to the growth of powerlifting, but the strength, health, and overall fitness of the individuals who train it.

The safety of an athlete is no less important than the benefits derived from the activity. A heavy contact sport could improve the health and athleticism of an athlete in ways they would have never anticipated, yet one unfortunate, yet sadly common injury due to a bad tackle could end their athletic career then and there. It is crucial for an athlete to examine and carefully calculate the opportunity risks of each form of exercise made available to them so they may progress in their desired categories in a sustainable manner.

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