18 THU MAR 23

Class 18 THU MAR 23

Riddle: Does Not Understand Doors

How should this sign be re-written to clearly communicate the author’s intention?

Wake Up

The Braille Riddle


  • The New Portfolios SP23 Category
  • Your personal Portfolio Category (e.g. Portfolio NoneOfYourBusiness)
  • Place BOTH your Definition Argument AND your Definition Rewrite into your new personal Portfolio category.
  • Place your Causal Rewrite and your Causal Argument into your new personal Portfolio category.


By the End of the Day

  1. Start a post titled “Causal—Username.” and another titled “Causal Rewrite—Username.”
  2. If you’re ready to start an actual Causal Argument, use this class time to begin the actual process in the “Causal—Username” post.
  3. If you’re not ready to start writing for real, address your Professor in the first sentence, “I could use some help getting started, Professor.” Something like that.
  4. “Here’s what I have so far,” you might continue, “Since I’m researching the connection between actual crime and crime statistics, I think the cause-and-effect relationship is crucial to my thesis. We THINK that when more crime is committed, the CRIME RATE will reflect that in higher numbers. But actually, it’s the NUMBER OF CRIMES REPORTED AND LAWS ENFORCED that count in
  5. the statistics. So . . . “
  6. And before you know it, you’ll be writing your causal argument.
  7. Put the post into the Feedback Please category and the Causal Argument category, and publish it by the end of the day.
  8. Tell me specifically what kind of Feedback you want.

Portfolio Task

  • DUE Portfolio Task Causal Argument
    • DUE THU MAR 30 (11:59pm WED MAR 29)

31 Responses to 18 THU MAR 23

  1. oatmealvibes says:

    “Street signs are proposal arguments.” What the signs say are just guidelines and can have room for argument.

    Riddle: “Please keep door closed.” For the author to purposely get the point they were trying to make, they could have worded the sign as “close door after opening.”

    Braille riddle: There is a pattern a – j on the braille system and it’s used for the rest of the letters by adding dots at the bottom for k – t and another dot at the bottom for u – z. W is the only outlier, w does not exist in the french version. You could use the same pattern for the letters, which can also be used as numbers.

    The riddle: Why is there braille at the drive-thru window? It doesn’t make much sense for them to have it as people who have to use braille to read can’t use it at the drive-thru.

    Housekeeping: Professor created “The New Portfolios SP23 Category” for us to put all of our portfolio entries. Example: “Portfolio Oatmealvibes”
    Place our definition argument and rewrite it into the portfolio category. Same thing with our causal argument and rewrite.

    Demo: Draft Causal with Feedback – 9/11 Made America More Racist.
    Professor wants us to critique the argument.


  2. giants19 says:

    -Today, we began class by talking about the Silicon Valley Bank failure. Too many people were trying to withdraw their money from the bank at once, which exacerbated the issue.
    -Then, we saw a riddle. It read “please keep door closed”, which is ironic because a door that never opens is not a door at all.
    -We then discussed the history of braille and how it was invented.
    -Then, we discussed why exactly it is that there is braille at drive-thru windows, and have yet to come up with a reasonable answer.
    -We then reviewed some causal arguments and learned how better to create one.


  3. rowanluver29 says:

    – Why do we trust money? Because it is a medium of exchange, we believe that someone will take it from us for a valuable exchange.
    – A proposal is what someone “should do”, but some may choose to ignore the proposal which can have certain consequences. For example: ignoring a street sign that says not to park in certain areas.
    – The red rubber dots that are at a lot of intersections are braille for blind people to let them know that they are at an intersection and are approaching traffic.
    – The first person to invent braille was a 17-year-old French boy who wanted to learn how to read.
    – Braille is made up of 26 sections of 6 dots with different combinations to create and recognize letters.
    – Braille riddle: why is there braille at the drive thru window?
    – proposal which can have certain consequences. For example: ignoring a street sign that says not to park in certain areas.
    – The red rubber dots that are at a lot of intersections are braille for blind people to let them know that they are at an intersection and are approaching traffic.
    – The first person to invent braille was a 17-year-old French boy who wanted to learn how to read.
    – Braille is made up of 26 sections of 6 dots with different combinations to create and recognize letters.
    – Braille riddle: why is there braille at the drive thru window?
    – Definition argument is a way to draw distinctions between the categories of causal factors.


  4. rowanstudent6 says:

    -Proposal arguments are dependent on the person who is reading the proposal argument. The person weighs how urgent the proposal is and what the consequences may be
    -3000 word argument makes a proposal
    -Put Definition and Causal arguments into portfolio category
    -Definition arguments create a definition/reasoning for what the argument as a whole is trying to prove


  5. -“Street signs are proposal arguments.” They have to argue with the audience to follow the sign. The signs are always presented to a certain kind of audience, with the the builders of the signs always having their own viewpoints.
    -Venezuela started trying to use a new currency called a petro, and they tried to let the market decide what the value should be, and then inflation was literally like billions of dollars per week, and then they decided to just use dollars. The dollar may be the new gold standard currency in the world.
    -“Please keep door closed.” It could have said “Don’t prop open door.”
    -Braile used to be French and then it was translated into English. There was no “W” for the French version.
    “There is a new category for portfolio material now.
    “Correlation does not necessarily mean causation.”
    -Our next assignment is a 1000 word causal argument.


  6. sinatraman17 says:

    -“Street Signs are Proposal Arguments”
    -Braille = Brilliant.
    -“Why is there braille at the drive-thru window?”

    -Beware of making weak connections (causations), such as– “frequent moving causes Serial Killers.”

    -“Consequences of IT” are Causes: “It CAUSES the Consequences”

    -1000 word Definition Arguments might actually be 1000 word Causal Arguments.

    *Start organizing thoughts for Causal Argument: DUE WED, MAR 29 11:59pm*


  7. music0392 says:

    We first looked at how street signs are proposal arguments, as they say what you should do in the area, whether it be a stop sign or parking sign. But you may not follow the argument if you do not feel the need to, depending on the circumstances. This is like a proposal argument in an essay, as it tells you an argument you should believe, but depending on the circumstances you may not want to believe. We also looked at a riddle of a sign on a door that says “Please keep door closed,” which is unclear, and should instead say “Don’t prop door open.” Another riddle or question asked was what the orange mats with dots on them at intersections are for, and it is revealed to be braille for blind people so they know where an intersection is. We then examined braille, and how each letter would be defined in braille logically. Braille uses a 6 dot grid with a 10 digit pattern in the alphabet, and there are just dots added to it every row. After, we looked at a riddle that was written in braille, which I found says “Why is there braille at the drive-thru window?”
    The Portfolio category is now on the blog, which we will add our essays to.
    We also looked at different types of causal arguments and how to make a clear causal argument. There is a difference between causation and correlation and that some claims may be more correlating than causing, so it should be clear how your issue causes a problem or anything else.


  8. saycheese03 says:

    Street signs are proposal Arguments- they tell you what you should do depending on the circumstances.

    Riddle: please keep the door closed- please don’t prop open the door

    Riddle: what’s the point of the thing that’s on the red thing by the intersections of crosswalks- for blind people to know that they are at an intersection.

    Brail riddle: why is there brail at the drive-through window

    New categories portfolio {name} place definition argument and re-write in the portfolio category

    Not always easy to see the path for causal and definition arguments- making short arguments stay focused on the individual type.


  9. gracchusbabeuf says:

    Today’s class opened with a discussion on the recent silicon valley bank run. We reflected on why money has value, recalling the “stone money” article from earlier in the semester. At the present moment, it would seem this short-lived bank run has been successfully stabilized.

    Next, we discussed proposal arguments by viewing some signs, not all of which had clear language. The door sign, “please keep door closed”, is obviously asking for the door not to be kept open, but the sign read in plain english demands the door never be used.

    We discussed the modern system of reading for the blind, braille, at some length. Its invention replaced the incredibly inefficient and dated systems of reading for the blind that predate it: no more would the blind read by feeling absurdly large raised letters. This section concluded with a riddle, which asked “Why is there braille at the drive-through window?”


  10. fulcrum66 says:

    Street signs are proposal arguments because they propose bystanders to follow its own diagram. They are targeted to a specific argument and can be identified by the situation of their context with being on the street.

    Why is there braille at the drive through window? It wouldn’t make sense because blind people cannot drive. Also if someone was driving them too they could just tell them what to do instead of just pulling up and rolling down the window so they can read.

    After this class I will move my selected writing that I have completed this semester into the portfolio section of the sidebar.


  11. philsfan1133 says:

    -Street signs function as persuasive arguments, aiming to convince their target audience to follow them. The signs are constructed from a particular perspective, reflecting the viewpoint of those who created them.
    -The Venezuelan government attempted to introduce a new cryptocurrency called the petro and allowed the market to determine its value
    -“Do not prop open the door” instead of “Please keep door closed” when talking about a sign on a door
    -Originally in French, the Braille system was later translated into English. The French version lacked the letter “W.”
    -Why is there braile at the drive-thru window?
    -A new category of portfolio materials now exists.
    -Remember: correlation does not necessarily imply causation.


  12. pinkmonkey32 says:

    – Braille is truly brilliant and was created by a 17 year old blind French boy.
    -First 10 letters use top half of 6 dot grid
    -Second half add bottom left corner to all (last 5 add bottom 2 dots)
    -You can tell what are numbers based of an indicator before the number which would be the first 10 letters 1=A, 2=B ect.
    – the riddle is using your skills to decipher the brail which winds up saying why is their braille at the drive-through window? because if they are blind why would they be driving!
    -we also went over some causal arguments and the types of them there are
    – At this point you should have made both causal argument posts as well as have put them in their necessary categories.
    – you should also have gone on the 911 causal argument and left a reply on that post about the argument
    – For the rest of class we reviewed 2 posts and how they can fix theirs to get the maximum amount of help and guidance.
    – When writing your essays make sure you look back at your definition argument because it can help you as well as if your definition argument turned out to be a lot more causal you can refine it to be your causal argument and write your definition argument now.


  13. Shazammm says:

    “Street signs are proposal arguments.” This is so because they tell you to do things. However, you do not have to follow what they say. Street signs make you ask questions like “why can we not do this or that” or “says who?” They are bad proposal arguments because they do not provide information that backs up their argument. Ex. “Cannot park here on Wednesdays for no more than 30 minutes.” Why? Says who?

    “Please keep door closed.” You cannot keep any door closed because their purpose is to let people in by OPENING. This is a poor proposal argument. A better argument would be “don’t leave door open” or “close door after entering.” This is probably what it means. However, it is not what it says.

    The red, bumpy surface on sidewalks is for blind people. It is a silent way of telling them to stop before an intersection/crossing the street. It is surprisingly a proposal argument. It is telling its target people to not do something without getting into specifics.

    The Braille Riddle: it was amended by a blind kid in France. He wanted to read French, however, was having trouble utilizing the old version of braille at the time {the braille letters were bigger and would take up the entire page}. So he made the braille letters smaller, with less dots. In Braille, letters k-t follow the same dot pattern as a-j except it has an additional dot at the bottom. The problem for English learners, however, is that there was no “w” in the Braille alphabet. The French alphabet does not incorporate the letter w.

    Start putting your definition and definition rewrite {the last best draft you have} and your causal and causal rewrite into your new personal portfolio category. LOOK AT HOUSEKEEPING. PUT ALL ARGUMENTS AND ARGUMENT REWRITES IN PORTFOLIO SP23. Put them in the category.

    Also look at types of causal arguments when rewriting your causal argument paper. Use them as guides/references.


  14. pinkheart84 says:

    Street signs are proposal arguments: it is how you interpret them. Depends on the level of consequence.
    Braille Riddle: This is the system of reading for the blind. “Why is there braille at the drive-through window?” This riddle doesn’t make sense because blind people are unable to drive.
    Correlation does not imply causation.
    Made a new category of portfolio materials.
    Housekeeping: Place your Definition Argument, Definition Rewrite, Causal Rewrite, and Causal Argument into your new personal Portfolio category.
    Your definition argument can be extremely helpful in making a causal argument.
    Causal Argument: Due 11:59 pm Wednesday March 29


  15. gobirds115 says:

    Class Notes 3/23:

    -“Street Signs are proposal arguments”: Street signs simply propose what they would like you to do. It’s your choice whether to follow it or not and there is usually a consequence that follows. The street sign never usually lists the consequence or the reason for the street sign which leaves an interesting decision for drivers to make whether or not it’s worth listening to the street sign.

    -“Please Keep Door Closed”: A pointless sign. You can’t keep a door closed if it intends to be used. The sign should say don’t keep the door propped open for it to actually make sense.

    -House Keeping: Categories have been created for everyone labeled “Portfolio” for each person in class; all of our work will be put into the portfolio including the first drafts and the rewrites; Our definition/categorical and causal arguments/rewrites will be in these.

    – Be sure that your definition/categorical paper didn’t make any causations


  16. charlieclover says:

    – Street signs are bad proposal arguments because they don’t offer reason they just state the proposal.
    – Such as a sign that says don’t park here on Wednesdays but they don’t say why.
    – We went over in class the braille alphabet and how it is set up.
    – We also learned that there is no W in the french alphabet which I thought was interesting.
    – We went over some housekeeping and setting up the portfolios.
    – We went over the feedback left from the casual arguments


  17. fatjoe000 says:

    -Street signs are proposal arguments because they tell you to do something but you don’t have to do it
    ^This relates to our paper because it is our job to convince the reader that what we are saying is right, like the street signs convince us to follow what they are saying
    -Riddle: Why is there brail at the drive-through window
    -There is a new personal Portfolio category
    -Causation Fallacy is used to rebuttal someone else’s causal argument
    -How many paragraphs there should be=how many main ideas there are


  18. tlap23 says:

    Warmup→ Street signs are proposal arguments
    -Make you ask questions
    Braille Riddle→ Alphabet is based off vertical and horizontal touch
    -Broken down braille riddle– Why is there braille in the drive through?
    New Portfolio–Spring 2023 Category
    -Put definition, causal, and rebuttal argument in new portfolio
    Causal Argument→ Each main idea is a new paragraph
    -Be specific rather than broad


  19. sunflower0311 says:

    – Street Signs are proposal arguments: They tell you to do something, but you do not have to. They are bad proposal arguments because they do not explain why you should do what it is telling you to do.
    – We talked about how Braille was created by a 17-year-old in France. It was fascinating to see the thought process behind it.
    – Riddle: Why is there braille at the drive-thru window?
    – If you do not know where to start on your causal argument you can simply write ” I need some help, professor” and post it in feedback please.
    – Causal Argument is due March 29th at 11:59


  20. cherries267 says:

    Going over that can be considered a proposal argument like street signs.

    We learned braille.

    Went over more causal arguments.


  21. g00dsoup says:

    “Street signs are proposal arguments”
    They tell you to DO something…but you don’t HAVE to do it.
    The sign “Please keep the door closed” may not be understood… “Don’t leave the door open” will more gather an individuals attention that they can in fact utilize the door (for what it’s intended for, but they know to close it).

    The Braille Riddle: Why is there Braille at the drive-thru window?

    Housekeeping: A new category has been created. We each have our own personal Portfolio category under Portfolios SP23
    Both of our Definition Argument & Rewrite as well as our Causal and Causal Rewrite will now be apart of this new category.
    Our Causal arguments will be due Wednesday, March 29 at 11:59 pm


  22. clevelandbrown03 says:

    Riddle – Why do drive through windows have brail?

    Talked about brail and how they have to read backward for them to understand the alphabet.

    Street signs are proposal arguments – and they say that because just because we see them doesn’t mean we have to use them and I just don’t think that is a good argument, because it doesn’t tell you why.

    Casual argument is due March 29,2023


  23. sortableelms says:

    “Street signs are proposal arguments,” They tell you to do something but you don’t have to follow them. They are bad proposal arguments because they don’t list the rationale behind following them.
    “Please Keep Door Closed” This sign should say something like don’t keep the door propped open. The way it is stated means you wouldn’t be able to open the door.
    Braille Riddle: “Why is there braille at the drive-thru window?” It is hard to understand the life of a blind person without living in their shoes.
    The causal argument is due on March 30th


  24. miliwawa says:

    -Its important to write things with clarity “please keep door closed” can be misleading because keeping the door closed means you can’t enter or leave the building. We learned braille and solved a riddle. ‘Why is there braille at the drive thru window?’
    -The material that you produced goes into the portfolio, including both the Definition argument and the rewrite.


  25. mellowtacos says:

    Street signs are proposal arguments
    This is saying that a street sign is telling you want to do but you still have the capability of not doing it.
    However this is not an effective proposal argument because it doesn’t tell you why you should do it

    In a simple explanation braille is different combinations of raised dots in a box. Most of braille is based on the first 10 letters of the alphabet. The second half of the letters is the same but they added a raised dot in the bottom left corner to all. The last 5 letters are also the same as the first 10 but they have the bottom two raised.
    – this concept was created by a 17 year old who lived in france.
    Why is there Braille at the drive-thru window?

    -The New Portfolios SP23 Category
    -Your personal Portfolio Category (e.g. Portfolio NoneOfYourBusiness)
    -Place BOTH your Definition Argument AND your Definition Rewrite into your new personal Portfolio category.
    – Place your Causal Rewrite and your Causal Argument into your new personal Portfolio category.

    – Make sure to start a post titled “Causal—Username.” and another titled “Causal Rewrite—Username.”
    -If you have trouble getting started on your causal argument, write ” I need some help, professor” and post in feedback please.
    -Causal Argument is due March 29th at 11:59


  26. inspireangels says:

    Street signs are proposal arguments since we are convincing the audience to follow the direction on the sign however we can choose to not follow these directions hence making them a bad proposal. They don’t provide us with a list of reasons or consequences that could occur if we don’t follow the directions of the sign.

    Wake up: Braille Riddle
    – This was created by a 17-year-old French boy that created a 6-dot system of the alphabet and numbers. This system is used for the blind. The riddle is ‘Why is there Braille at the drive-through?’

    – Need to place our Definition Argument/Rewrite and Causal Argument/Rewrite into the category “Portfolio SP23


  27. tristanb50 says:

    -money is based on the faith that “the next guy will take it from us”, doubt in this belief is the underlying reason behind all modern bank failures
    -braille was created by a blind french teenager, language cannot repeat shapes
    Place Your Definition Argument + Definition Rewrite in the “Portfolio SP23” category
    -create a post titled “Causal – Username”, begin writing outline for causal argument
    -Causal Argument due March 29th before midnight


  28. Water says:

    Street signs are proposal arguments because they create a statement that is giving directions to do something but they don’t have to be followed, you can avoid doing the action. The braille riddle was interesting. It was fascinating to understand the small history of where it came from and how the letters were created along with how one would represent numbers by using a certain pattern and then follow after by using the letters to describe numbers. the riddle being why is there braille at the drive is something interesting to think about since blind people are not drivers. We were introduced to the portfolio with our separate names that will be containing our work.


  29. chickennugget246 says:

    Street signs are proposal arguments because they tell you to do something. But, you do not have to do what they say. When we read signs, we sometimes ask the question “Why?” Street signs are bad proposal arguments because they do not help you decide to agree with them, they just tell you what to do, and they cannot back up their argument with any information. We also sometimes think to ourselves “says who?” while reading these signs because of the “authority” they give off.

    “Please keep door closed” technically means keep the door closed at all times, meaning we can’t open the door or use it at all. This is also an awful proposal argument because the whole point of using a door is to open it so that we can go in and out of places. We rephrase it to say something like “don’t keep door open” or “don’t prop door open” to clearly communicate the author’s intention to the individuals that are reading these words.

    The tactile paving on the ground for the visually impaired is a proposal argument as well.

    A French boy named Louis Braille was just barely sixteen when he invented a new/better system to the existing embossed letter system, which is now known as braille. The existing letter system was too complicated, so he came up with a faster, more easy way of the system.

    Braille Riddle – The braille says, “Why is there braille at the drive-thru window?”

    Our three arguments and their rewrites go into our own personal portfolio category.

    We can revise our arguments, or any post, up until they are officially due because this class is all about revisions!


  30. blueee04 says:

    Today, we discussed two riddles one was the bumpy platform on the ground in some intersections. Iv’e always been confused on why these have been a thing but today I learned that they are for blind people. They can feel the braille on their feet, letting them know they are going into an intersection. I find this interesting, I would’ve never guessed that they were even useful to someone.
    We then went over examples of causal arguments and the difference between it and the definition argument. I see that it’s pretty easy to get them mixed up and not know the differences between both but professor Hodges explained how they are different.
    One thing I appreciate is how we are able to revise our posts several times because it shows us how much we are progressing throughout the semester.


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