11 TUE FEB 21

Class 11 TUE FEB 21


If you follow the light grey spot around the circle for 30 seconds to one minute, you will notice that the other spots will eventually turn green.

But if you stare at the cross in the middle for the exact same time, the spots around the circle will disappear.

Named after Paul Troxler, the Swiss physician and philosopher found that the brain ignores visual scenes that don’t change.

If the image moves clockwise (raised foot moves from right to left), force it to move counterclockwise, and vice versa. You can do both by changing your perspective on what you’re seeing.

Definitional/Categorical Unit

  • Your Professor’s Model Definition Essay, “Political Paralysis”
  • Attempts to answer the question, “Does polio belong to the category of eradicable diseases?”
  • EXERCISE: If you haven’t left a comment on the “Political Paralysis” post, do so before class is over.

A Model Definition/Categorical Essay

A Protected Class that Deserves Heightened Scrutiny

The Premise: The class is “Presence Required,” but some students will be excused from having to attend in person.

  • List some types of students who will be automatically excused.
  • What characteristics do those students share?
  • Do the qualifying students belong to any particular category(ies)?
  • Analyze your results
    • What underlying values support your conclusions about who should and who should not be excused from class?
    • Notice that we have considered very specific cases, and evaluated them to find underlying similarities or categories.
    • Moving from the specific to the general, we find ourselves making moral or ethical claims about fairness that expose our basic social beliefs.
    • Can we find the solution that responds to our shared values?

The Professional Version

  • The “Protected Class” Model
    • The editors of the New York Times defines a crucial constitutional term: protected class that deserves heightened scrutiny.
    • Includes a brief Take-Home Exercise
      • In class today, leave a comment on the Protected Class post.

36 Responses to 11 TUE FEB 21

  1. goodmusician440 says:

    -Things that seemed settled don’t have to be.
    -For instance, if you say things like “homeless” or “police brutality”, depending on who you ask, each person might have a different perspective, or definition, of that specific word or concept.
    -If we see that smallpox is more similar to polio, then there is hope to eliminate polio.
    -(Update*): Smallpox is more easier to spot where as polio hides in the body for years.
    -Smallpox just has a lot of things figured out now that helped it get eliminated and we are still trying to figure out how to effectively eliminate polio.
    -Your argument needs to make sense and have relevance to the real world.


  2. jasrielle2 says:

    Feb 21 Notes Comp
    In the beginning of class, we spoke about persuasive arguments. The argument we talked about was if you were really ill to essentially “pull the plug”. The argument gave support on why the decision was made this way.
    We then were presented with two videos to analyze our perspective on things. The first video consisted of a red screen with two dots of different shades ovulating around clockwise. We looked at one dot to see the other turn green while we looked at the cross in the middle to make the circle entirely disappear.
    We moved on to the second video of a woman spinning, trying to figure out if she moves clockwise or counterclockwise. This gave us a clear understanding of how easily our perspective can change visually.
    We spoke about how much claims hold weight in our writing as long as our terms have the accurate definition with a relatable standpoint. People have different definitions of different things, so having support to back up your definitions holds weight in your writing.
    We used an article to define as well as categorize different things in the summary.
    We then went into the protected class model where we elaborated on the definition essay as well as what it is made of and what it helps with in the long run of writing.


  3. clevelandbrown03 says:

    Talked about the definition argument and how people define words differently.

    We used the spinning ballerina as an example of how people can see things differently depending on how you look at it.

    We talked about the statistics of polio and how many people it affected every year.


  4. rowanluver29 says:

    – As a class, we watched a woman spinning on the screen and tried to decide if she is spinning clockwise or counterclockwise and tried to change our perspective to see it both ways.
    – We also discussed what we believed the definition of homelessness was, and how there isn’t truly one definition, considering there are a bunch of different “flavors” of homeless.
    – One purpose of a definition argument is to help readers decide if they concur or not with your definition, but this does not mean they have to agree with you.
    – We discussed which diseases are eradicated and which diseases are still here and can be treated with certain medication/certain doses of medication.
    – In “The Polio Definition Argument”, we came to the conclusion that in the opening paragraph, there is not a definition argument, but a subtle list of points that the author is going to discuss in the article.
    – “The Polio Definition Argument” came to the conclusion that polio and smallpox are too different to be able to use the same formula to eradicate polio like they did with smallpox.
    – Analogy will not work for every definition/categorical argument!


  5. giants19 says:

    Todays class began with an optical illusion that demonstrates to us that things sometimes disappear when we aren’t looking for them, which I also believe to be a pretty good metaphor for life. We then talked about definition arguments. and how important it is to be able to define a term that everybody can come to an agreement with its definition. We then used the ballerina optical illusion to illustrate that not everybody sees the same thing, even when looking at the same thing. Then we talked about the difficulties of eradicating polio and how difficult it can actually be to fully get rid of something.


  6. Senpai Pio says:

    -Like the ballerina, we may always see the same things different.
    -Define things early for the rest of the essay. For instance, in the Polio essay, make sure to define whether or not you can get rid of Polio early.
    -Be Organized. With categorical essay you can say the same things in a different order and make it infinitely times more effected.
    -Instead of using questions in the writing make the reader picture the question. “Imagine trying to get rid of…” instead of “Do you think we could get rid off…”
    -Do not directly say your point in the conclusion but allow the reader to infer your point.
    -In categorical essay every word is an argument.
    -Even a definition is an argument.
    -The most basic definitions NEED to be defined.


  7. queenrandom04 says:

    Things that seem settled don’t have to be because of people’s perspectives on what things are actually defined as. We spent most of class going over what a definition argument can and should look like. We ended class with an exercise that made us recognize what makes an argument able to be a true definition essay.


  8. sinatraman17 says:

    It’s OK for an audience to still disagree with your argument after reading your paper- they can dispute the categories and dispute the definitions even though they are composed responsibly.

    Definitional/Categorical Argument: Contain compare & contrast language. Polio- Counterintuitivity of the worldwide campaign to finally eradicate polio, and how the very method the world is using to eradicate it will inevitably keep it around endlessly.

    **Make bold claims in the first sentence of every Paragraph- then prove it**


  9. oatmealvibes says:

    Definitional/Categorical Unit: Things that seem settled don’t have to be. The question was asked “what is brutal policing?” that answer is slightly different for anybody. I think when a police officer does anything more than the necessary force or aggression is considered police brutality. Professor showed us his polio definition argument about the eradication of polio and whether it fits into the eradication category. *Answer is on the definition argument post
    We go over the definition essay about a protected class, the response will be in the definition essay post.


  10. saycheese03 says:

    Persuasive argument isn’t always called for

    Definition / Categorical unit Things that seem settled don’t have to be- purpose is to make a readable argument and to map out your territory so readers know whether they concur or not with the definition

    Analogy may not work for every definition/categorical argument

    Hide tells/make bold claims instead of captions- first sentence of each paragraph provide evidence after and prove point to reader


  11. tristanb50 says:

    -concepts like “police brutality” or “green towns” can mean different things to different people, so they should be defined in the beginning of an argument
    -”hide your tells” write subtly when making a claim or comparison
    -instead of captioning your talking points, making bold claims followed by backup
    -when writing a definition essay, it should:
    Make an argument
    Have real world evidence
    Defines several terms


  12. Fulcrum66 says:

    We begin class today by reviewing examples of optical illusions and how you see an object flip in a different direction in your head. Things that are defined don’t have to be settled on, with a purpose you can create an readable argument. We begin to discuss how we should properly form our first part in our paper and how we should display our argument.


  13. gracchusbabeuf says:

    The lecture today opened with a rotating image, which, when viewed from a different perspective can be seen as moving left or right.

    Next, we returned to the concept of a definition argument. This time, it is the focus of the next short essay assignment. The model for the next essay leans again on one of Professor Hodges polio essays. This essay is creatively titled, “Political Paralysis”. The essay avoids the obvious “tells” of definition arguments, such as directly telling the audience that a term is being defined or compared to another. Instead, it is presented in a readable format that makes its definition clear without these inelegant methods.

    In addition to the Professor’s essay, the 2013 NYT editorial, “Heightened Scrutiny” was used as another example. We were asked to complete a brief written response as a warm-up for our essay on the topic.


  14. Water says:

    The illusion was something that changed depending on how you wanted to see it, you could either see the person going in a clockwise rotation or a counterclockwise rotation. We then talked about definition arguments, and we looked at the 1000-word essay on polio, the essay shows ways polio could be eradicated but at the cost of paralyzing some of the children. The risks are something you might to consider if you want to protect the community. We then looked at another example titled “Heightened Scrutiny” it discussed gay marriage and if laws should be made that consider same marriage a crime. It provides a definitive/categorical approach to how your thesis could be.


  15. philsfan1133 says:

    -Similar to how a ballerina may perceive the same things differently, our perception of things can change over time.
    -To ensure clarity throughout the essay, it is essential to define key terms and concepts early on. For instance, in the Polio essay, it is important to establish whether Polio can be completely eradicated.
    -Organizing the essay into categories can greatly enhance its effectiveness, even if the same points are made in a different order.
    -Rather than using direct questions, it is more effective to encourage the reader to envision the question.
    -In a categorical essay, every word is an argument, even a simple definition can be seen as such.
    -It is crucial to define even the most basic terms to ensure that the reader is fully informed and can follow the argument.


  16. sunflower0311 says:

    – Today we started out with a spinning girl which depending on your perspective could be seen going clockwise or counterclockwise. We can all see the same thing a different way.
    – The goal of sentence one is to get your readers to read sentence two and so on.
    – Definition claims are not only defining what something is but can also be defining what something is not
    – We reviewed an example of a definition/categorical essay, and it was surprising to see what that actually meant versus what we thought that would look like.


  17. charlieclover says:

    – The job of each sentence in a categorial essay is to get your reader to read the next sentence
    – Keep readers reading
    – ` You could have polio for the rest of your life and no one could know unless you show symptoms or it spreads to other people around you
    – Smallpox is visible and vaccines need to be administered only once whereas polio vaccines only need to be administered once and you cannot see symptoms
    – Rumors and misconceptions about vaccines can keep people from getting vaccines that would help them
    – They need 100,000 doctors in order to administer the vaccine
    – It would also cost 100 times more in order to ensure everyone is vaccinated
    – We went over the categorical argument of same-sex marriage in order to help us improve our arguments by reading an example of a categorical argument


  18. doglover846 says:

    – We started with an optical illusions, where a women was rotating one way and you are trying to see a different perspective so that she is spinning in the opposite direction.
    – The goal of sentence number one is to have the reader read sentence number to.
    – The goal is to keep the reader reading.
    – Don’t write a formal definition because that will have to reader stop reading instead describe the topic and compare and contrast to another topic.


  19. pinkheart84 says:

    We started class today by looking at examples of optical illusions and how you may see an object flip in a different direction in your head.
    When you don’t want a heroic measure that means you don’t want anything that helps you.
    The primary goal of your first sentence is to get readers to read sentence 2. And the job of sentence 2 is to get them to read sentence 3.
    “hide your tells”- this means to write subtly when making a claim. Make bold claims.
    Feedback has been returned to everyone.
    No deadlines for additional work until next Thursday.


  20. g00dsoup says:

    We begin with an image of a woman that is spinning clockwise. If we tell ourselves to see the woman spinning the other way, we will see it. We are changing our perspective of what we are seeing.

    Definition/Categorical Argument:
    – They can be seen as “life or death”
    -The goal of the first sentence is to get the readers to read the second sentence. If you can accomplish this, this will get readers to read your work. If they aren’t interested, they won’t read more.

    There are qualities to a good Definition Essay:
    -It’s an argument
    -It has real-world relevance
    -It often requires defining several terms
    After learning about Definition Argument Essays:
    It made truly understand what a definition essay is. Based on the name alone, it would be assumed by people that it’s as simple as defining a term. This is not the case–the author defined the terms in their own ways instead of looking up a definition. They are defined in the way that tailors to their topic. This can spark the argumentative aspect of the essay and make your point heard and understood by the readers.


  21. gobirds115 says:

    Agenda Notes 2/21:

    -Interesting clips of rotating objects that could be determined to be moving in either direction depending on someone perspective and perspective can change if you choose to believe in someone else’s
    -Heroic Measure: something that is not a typical practice and is an extraordinary action that helps save life
    -The primary job of every sentence is to get the reader to want to read the next sentence and so on and so forth.
    -Spent a good portion of class looking at Professor Hodges’ Categorical/Definition paper on polio. Lots of good tips learned through analyzing this paper as to how to define and categorize your argument by using statistics, reasoning, counter sources, comparing/contrasting, etc.
    -Ended class by responding to the definition/categorical essay about gay marriage.


  22. anonymous123 says:

    -The job of the first sentence is to get your reader to get to sentence two.
    -Then went over Professor Hodges definition essay as he pointed out definition arguments
    -Then we went over the protected class essay and commented on how this relates to a definition argument


  23. mellowtacos says:

    the women could be seen spinning either way however it may be very challenging to change what you see
    LESSON: although hard to see other perspectives its possible if you try

    What’s a heroic claim

    Make sure your Definitional/Categorical Unit is clear

    – Professors categorical argument about polio
    – Goal of the sentence before is to get them to read the sentence after.
    Keep them reading
    This keeps the readers reading

    The Professional Version
    This essay differs from what I thought a Definition/Categorical essay would look like because it uses little to no quotes and still makes a strong case. I will try to incorporate this in my essay because it makes the work more original.


  24. Shazammm says:

    Some people see the image of the woman spinning in different ways. Some see her spinning clockwise, some see her spinning counterclockwise. Sometimes you got to see things in other people’s perspectives so you can change your mindset. This pertains to our argumentative essays since you will be trying to persuade your readers that your topic is important and problematic in their community.

    Definitional/Categorical unit: “They are life and death” in your writing. They are basically points that must be nailed down/made known to the reader in your writing.

    You must provide context and definitions in your writing to make your topic clear to your reader. You do not want to confuse them.

    The goal is to get readers to read sentence two, sentence three, and so forth. So you must create good hooks in every sentence you write to hold your readers’ interest.

    Definition/Categorical essays are more than what people perceive them as.


  25. cherries267 says:

    -We watched the optical illusion of the woman spinning, seeing which direction was the correct one.
    -Going over the argument of the polio vaccine.
    -Reading the text and explaining a definition/categorical argument.


  26. When you think about the fact that other people have different perspectives, you can change the way you see things.
    For example: we looked at the dancer spinning… does it spin from left to right, or right to left. Change your perspective and you literally change how you see things.

    The primary goal for your first sentence is to get your readers to read the second sentence, and the goal of the second sentence is to get your readers to read sentence number three… and so on and so on.
    The primary goal of a sentence is to get your readers to read the next sentence, if you accomplish your goal, the reader will have read your whole essay/article/novel…


  27. tmjj4345 says:

    – Lecture began by determining whether the spinning woman on the screen was spinning clockwise or counterclockwise. It served the purpose of showing us how difficult it can be to change our perspective or the way we view things.
    – The goal of each sentence is to get the reader to read the next sentence. (The goal of the last sentence is to get the reader to read the first sentence of your next piece.)
    – When building your introduction in your paper come up with a title that doesn’t give too much away (“Political Polio”)
    – Be sure to identify ideas in your introduction, as we learned earlier with the spinning woman, certain phrases or concepts can mean different things to each person.
    – “Rumors about the vaccine spreads faster than the vaccine”
    – Definition and the loopholes around the term of “gay marriage”
    – A good definition essay is an argument with real world relevance


  28. chickennugget246 says:

    If the image of the woman spins clockwise, we can force it to move counterclockwise by changing our perspective on what we are seeing. It is possible to see things from other people’s perspectives. By writing our definition/categorical arguments, we try to persuade the readers to view certain things from our perspective, too.

    Definition/categorical arguments are “life and death.”

    The goal of sentence one is to get the readers to read sentence two, and so on, until the end.

    We have to find ways to keep our readers reading.

    The essential qualities of a good definition essay: it is an argument, it has real-world relevance, and it often requires defining several terms.

    “How many children will we need to paralyze to eradicate polio forever?” – this is a way to get our readers’ attention and make them want to keep reading until they find out the answer.

    “Polio is not smallpox.” – definition argument

    We can draw distinctions between our claim to prove that it is not something or that it is something.


  29. blueee04 says:

    Today, we first looked at an image which was tricky because the girl seemed as if she was circling in the left direction but once I looked away and looked again the girl was now moving in a circular motion to the right. It’s weird how an image can trick the brain so easily.
    We discussed the purpose of a persuasive argument is to map out your words, trying to convince the reader to believe you. But it also doesn’t matter if they don’t because its your opinion. Not everyone is going to agree with what they read, that’s just not realistic.
    We then looked at a model polio definition argument which had some interesting information but the point in looking at this was to show us how to make our own, make bold claims, provide evidence, make sure the audience knows what we want to talk about and prove it.


  30. pitandthependulum22 says:

    Definitional/Categorical Arguments
    – concepts need to be firm/ nailed down (cannot be flimsy or too broad)
    – A definitional argument is made of 2 parts: a readable argument and a map to whether or not your readers will agree with your argument
    – make bold claims instead of captions in the first sentence of every paragraph
    – provide evidence
    – make sure readers know exactly what you are going to prove and then prove it


  31. inspireangels says:

    We look at a moving image of a girl spinning around in a circular motion. Whether the girl is turning clockwise or counterclockwise is debatable since you can change your perspective on how you see the girl moving.

    Definitional/Categorical Unit: Your goal for the first sentence is to get the audience to read the second sentence and so forth. Each sentence needs to maintain the interest of the readers to continue reading the next sentence.

    What a good Definition Essay looks like:
    – to have many definitions of the term
    – related it to the real-life world
    – It’s an argument
    – describe it in your own way that captures the reader’s understanding of what the term really means


  32. rowanstudent6 says:

    -Moral decisions are complicated and either choice will have consequences
    -Smallpox and polio are too different to be treated the same and thus the plan for polio’s eradication must be different from that of smallpox
    -Definitive/Categorical arguments allow the reader to decide if they agree or disagree with your claims


  33. pinkmonkey32 says:

    Video moving left to right or right to left
    Carefully map out your territory so readers know by your words if they agree with your definition of your terms, weather they agree with you or not they should be able to acknowledge your argument and think its persuasive without agreeing
    Depending on who you asks all definitions can vary from person to person
    Is polio erraticalbe- polio is curable but chickenpox is the only eradicated disease we could come up with in class
    They look to see if they can eradicate a disease by what it has in common with chicken pox and which parts differ.
    We then took a look at a definition style essay and write about what surprised us and what we could take away from it (this is found by clicking the link “the Protected Class Model” you must read it and leave a reply in the reply field to receive credit)


  34. fatjoe000 says:

    -Need to lock down categorical/definitional arguments
    -The job of your first sentence is to make the audience want to read the second sentence
    -A good definition argument has:
    ^An argument
    ^Real-world relevance
    ^Requires defining several terms


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