05 TUE JAN 31

Class 05 TUE JAN 31


  1. Upload an image from your device to use as your WordPress avatar for the blog.
  2. Make your Appointment for your first Mandatory Professor Conference.
  3. If you’ve had your Conference, leave a Brief Review of the results.
  4. Add your Hypothesis post to two Categories (the Hypothesis Task and your own username).

The Sharing Channel

Charlize Theron best-known roles

Warm Up

Bi-Partisan Legislators
  • First, let’s define bi-partisan
    • adjective. involving the agreement or cooperation of two political parties
      that usually oppose each other’s policies.
    • Recent usage:
      • “Financial deregulation and mass incarceration became matters of 
        bi-partisan agreement.”— Frank Guan, The New Yorker, 31 Jan. 2022


  • Feedback Please
    • What it’s for. How to use it.
    • If you think I should create a 2-minute “How To” video for Feedback Please, leave me a reminder in your Notes below this page.

The Deadlines Menu

Purposeful Summary

Purposeful Summary Lecture

Link to the Purposeful Summaries Assignment

White Paper

Link to the White Paper Assignment

41 Responses to 05 TUE JAN 31

  1. blueee04 says:

    In class today, we first discussed the warm up which implies that legislatures are bi-partisans. You can’t have a group of bi-partisan legislatures but you can have a group of legislature bi-partisans. You have to be careful with the way you set up a sentence.

    We then went over any assignments that will be due soon. One of them being the purposeful summary, Professor Hodges explained how we properly do this assignment. A purposeful summary is an argument and it doesn’t have the entire subject matter of the reading or article. But we should include the word counterintuitive somewhere in the beginning of our summaries.

    We watched a video explaining the ethics of a Three-Parent baby and discussed several ways in which it could be summarized. This showed us that their are different angles that someone can summarize an article. It was also odd the way it was described how the baby born from all three parents DNA, will also pass that down to their children only if its a female.

    Measles had spread nine times more than ebola because of people traveling.

    Then we looked at different counterintuitive topic options. One was “How to Armor Planes”. They should pay more attention in armoring places that were hit on the plane not areas that weren’t.


    • jasrielle2 says:

      Tues Jan 31 Comp Notes
      adjective. involving the agreement or cooperation of two political parties
      that usually oppose each other’s policies.
      Today in class we were introduced with a quote

      Deadlines as well as agenda can be found on the home page of our class.

      Having to take pride in your ideas and claims being made in your writing. You have to have a strong mind towards your writing standing on the truth you are telling. Do not try to veer into the opposing side of your argument, it will sid if you support the beliefs you have


  2. rowanluver29 says:

    – Bi-partisan legislators? when two politically parties group together to achieve one goal
    – Be careful where you put your words, it can change the entire meaning of a sentence, question, etc. (based off of riddle)
    – Feedback please is a category on a post submission when you want feedback from Professor Dave on the work you published.
    – First white paper draft due feb 7, purposeful summaries due feb 9 (posted already)
    -Purposeful summary is the most important skill for research paper writing. One good paragraph is better than three wordy paragraphs (indicates your attitude towards the source in a short concise way). A purposeful summary is an argument, it tells the truth, it can dispute the original.
    – Watched a video that discussed 3 parent babies and how the DNA would work and the purpose of 3 parent babies. This change in DNA does not change looks or personality but change how the body uses energy. We reviewed different approaches we can take to create a successful purposeful summary to follow the video. We repeated this process with two other sources.
    -White paper due feb 7: developing hypothesis, first five sources.


  3. sinatraman17 says:

    Riddle: A group of bipartisan legislators- can’t exist. A bipartisan group of legislators- can exist.

    Feedback Please category: a space in the blog where we can categorize any works on which we want feedback.

    Purposeful Summaries: Think Counterintuitively. “Summary is more than just Summary”- it serves a purpose and expresses primarily the personal argument and commentary you have regarding the text. Always true. You can shape the content but never dishonestly. “It seems counterintuitive that…”

    The White Paper: first approaching deadline- Tuesday, February 7th.


  4. pitandthependulum22 says:

    ‘Bi-Partisan Legislators’
    -example of needing to be cautious with the use of words, as they can create something entirely different than what you are trying to convey

    -how to and when to set ‘Feedback Please’ on postings
    -how to request a ‘how to’ video as part of feedback

    Purposeful Summaries
    -one good paragraph is better than three wordy paragraphs
    -make sure it serves a purpose
    -must indicate attitude towards material
    -do not need to summarize the entirety of the material, can share what you want with what you think and feel
    -all must begin with “it seems counterintuitive that…”

    The White Paper
    -hypothesis must be specific
    -must be specific enough for a thesis


  5. giants19 says:

    The first thing that I did today was changing my profile picture for WordPress. Then we moved onto the warm-up, which was “Why is there no such thing as a group of bi-partisan legislators?”. In my opinion, there is no such thing as a group of bi-partisan legislators because not all of the legislators will ever be bi-partisan. Legislators are not allowed to be members of both parties. We talked about when feedback should be used. Any post can be put into the feedback category.

    The first draft of the White Paper is due next Tuesday. The purposeful summary is also due on Thursday. We talked about what is required of the purposeful summary assignment. There is no ideal length for the purposeful summary.

    We talked about a baby that was born with the DNA of three people in it. I personally think this was an unethical experiment, albeit important for the quality of life of the child. One of the partners had a defect that would have affected their child, so they got a third party to contribute some DNA into the mix.


  6. Anonymous says:

    Purposeful Summary
    – When we are proving something in our writing, we need to only focus on summarizing the points that help our hypothesis.
    – We shouldn’t just restate what we read when we research, we need to add our own spin on it to shape our view.
    – You can contradict the original author’s writing as long as it’s truthful and fair.
    – Needs to be specific, arguable, researchable, and verifiable.


  7. rowanstudent6 says:

    -The warmup teaches how the order of words in a sentence is important
    -The first draft of the white pages is on February 7
    -The purposeful summaries are due on February 9
    -Research papers gather information from scholars and mesh them together with some of your own personal experiences
    -Purposeful summaries are the length with which the writer feels is enough
    -Purposeful summaries can be shaped by the writer while also remaining true
    -Three counterintuitive summaries are explained to show how a summary should be written
    -Pick a counterintuitive article for assignment
    -My hypothesis needs to be specific and the topic must be something that you are interested in
    -A hypothesis must create controversy


  8. queenrandom04 says:

    There was quick housekeeping about adding a profile picture the riddle was how there can’t be a group of bi-partisan legislators only a group of legislators that are bi-partisan. Hodges gave us tips on how to make a good purposeful summary: being unbias until you come up with a hypothesis you’re confident in is necessary. It’s an argument you’re defending with research and logic It’s truthful and persuasive. We continued in class with examples of counter-intuitive articles starting with the three-parent baby. We got an example of a good purposeful summary where the argument he brought to the table about the article is that the practice of having a three-parent baby is unethical and will lead to abusing the technology for more than what its original use was for. We then looked at a terrible picture, his argument of counterintuition was about whether or not it’s ethical to send photographers to areas of disaster and then criticize them for doing what they were told to do. After reviewing resources we had an example of a badly done proposal a previous student submitted because it was too vague.


  9. philsfan1133 says:

    -You cannot have a group of bi-partisan legislators because there is no such thing as a legislator for two parties.
    -A purposeful summary is when you take the most important parts of your information which is also an argument. It is used to sway the mind of the reader and perhaps make them think you could be right about what you are arguing. It also tells the absolute truth and it cannot dispute the original article.


  10. Senpai Pio says:

    -The point of smart summaries is to help prove whether or not our hypothesis is true or not. If it is true and interesting, it is our thesis.
    -Only summarize what is important to you, and you have to explain WHY it is important to you.
    -1 good paragraph is better than 3 wordy paragraphs.
    -You can point out the text is false, but you cannot lie.
    -There are many ways to summarize every article.
    -The 1/6 chance of making it could be better than the 99% because of the risk.
    – As you start the white paper, your hypothesis will start to form.


  11. gracchusbabeuf says:

    Today, we covered the feedback request process for assignments submitted to the class blog. I do not personally feel a video detailing the process is necessary.

    The core of today’s lecture was on the “purposeful summary”. Importantly, the purposeful summary gives away its nature in its name. Long, wordy summaries are the antithesis of the purposeful summary, which values succinct reflections on a given work. After an overview of what is expected of a purposeful summary, we viewed various examples of it.

    The article on photographers was particularly shocking. The imagery of photographers jockeying for position around a corpse of a 15 year old girl to get a better angle is horrifying. And yet, it is what the public at large demands of the profession. We believe that such images are necessary to show the reality of human tragedy, while the reality of obtaining those images appears itself to be inhuman.

    A fun (depending on your perspective) example of counter-intuitive thinking is the plane armoring issue. Initially, only the parts of surviving planes which were shot were armored, only causing a minimal increase in survivability. Why? Because a plane that returned from combat with bullet holes in it likely had survivable damage! The planes which had a wing shot off did not survive. It is important to consider how the data is collected to

    Finally, we examined a user’s submission for the upcoming white paper assignment. We cover how a hypothesis must be immediately researchable and specific with a verifiable conclusion.


    • davidbdale says:

      I may steal your descriptions of my lectures for future classes, GB. This is just so:

      a hypothesis must be immediately researchable and specific with a verifiable conclusion.



  12. goodmusician440 says:

    -There is no such thing as a group of bi-partisan legislators. The legislators are already implied to be bi-partisan. We would say bi-partisan group of legislators, but not a group of bi-partisan legislators.
    -We learned how to operate the feedback please section.
    -We saw that our white paper first draft is now due on next Tuesday and our purposeful summary is due next Thursday.
    -There is no ideal length for a purposeful summary. It could be from a single sentence to even 3 paragraphs.
    -Y0ur purposeful summary should have purpose and get to the point.
    -In the video of the three parent baby, a second woman contributed some DNA for the baby so that the genetic defect can be cured. You can think of it as 3 DNA contributors, or 3 parents.
    -When we put while in the first clause, we diminish the importance of that first idea, and then when we put the second idea in, we uplift and boost the importance of the second idea.
    -It is very funny that we require immigrants to be fully vaccinated against big diseases to come to the United States when we don’t even require our own citizens to be vaccinated for quite a bit of them here.
    -When doing a white paper, you don’t want to be too vague or too broad. You always want to be narrow and on point when doing things like making hypotheses, finding research, etc.


  13. oatmealvibes says:

    The professor urged us to put a profile picture for our account instead of the ugly puzzle squares.
    If you have not done your hypothesis quote then it is late.
    If you had a conference with the professor, make sure to leave an updated hypothesis agenda on the conference page.
    The class was shown a video to Charlize Theron which included The Old Guard, Monster, Tully, North Country, Atomic Blonde and many more.
    The warm up for today said “Why is there no such thing as a group of bi-partisan legislators?” Bi-partisan means two parties work together to achieve a goal.
    There is no such thing as bi-partisan legislators because it means each of them belong to both parties but we want legislators to belong to different parties, not the all of them belonging to the same two.
    Feed-back please is when we publish a post and press the feed-back please category, once we publish the post, the professor can give us feedback on what we posted.
    The deadline menu shows us what assignments are due at any point in time, in case we forget.
    The purposeful summary is the most important skill in research writing. Gather as many opinions and facts and conclusions from as many people as you can to come up with something fresh and surprising for your readers and summarize the most important parts of what you read. One good paragraph is better than 3 wordy paragraphs. Make sure the summary serves a purpose and shows your attitude towards the material.
    A purpose summary doesn’t bother to recount the entire subject matter of an article. It should have logic and reasoning and should help the reader draw my conclusion and should function like an argument and tell the truth. No lying on the original material. The summary can dispute the original.
    We watched the ethics of a three parent baby which means a baby from DNA of three people. It’s meant to put healthy DNA into a baby to prevent birth defects. Only less than 1% comes from the second mother. It’s passed down to only female children. It’s only the mitochondria DNA being passed down. How to summarize that video could go in many different ways such as “we are on the way to a whole new species” with that video.
    All purpose summaries, the professor wants it to start with “It seems counter intuitive that”.
    “I admit this but this ____ but this ____.”
    The next video that for some reason did not show up, called “Africans should screen Americans for measles”. Nigerian writer Elnathan John thinks Africa should screen America for Measles. His comment was a sly rejoinder that when Americans were screening all Africans for Ebola and disease before coming into the country when measles is more contagious than Ebola. We make immigrants test for diseases while our country is able to opt out of immunizations when we have a lower rate of immunizations than the immigrant countries we are testing.
    Prison Photography is an article of when Haiti was ravaged by an earthquake, riots and looting broke out. Photo journalists are sent to countries to take pictures of the horrible things happening in other countries and are criticized for taking pictures when they should be “helping them”. It’s counter-intuitive that we send photographers to dangerous places to take photos then we get mad that they took the photos of what we asked to see. The side view of all the photographers to take a photo of a 15 year old girl dead on the floor is hard to look at.
    We took a look at the purposeful summary task and a bunch of links are there for us to purposefully summarize the counter intuitive articles. Topics such as Anne Frank, crowd sourcing, and elderly animals are there for us to look at.
    Armored planes, a topic that the professor really likes, when the planes go to drop bombs, a lot of them come back with bullet holes. If they armor the plans in spots that didn’t get shot, that is most likely the best way for the planes to survive.
    Lastly, we looked at the White Paper assignment. We pitched our hypothesis and discussed it with the professor. Our hypothesis has to be specific, arguable, re-searchable, and verifiable. Choose a topic that you’re interested in. The professor showed us a proposal of the white paper about America’s judicial flaw of false convictions. The majority of people on death row were innocent. Eye-witness identification is the main reason innocent people get sent on death row.
    Avoid naming a topic instead of a hypothesis.
    Avoid survey proposals.
    Create controversial premise.


  14. tristanb50 says:

    -Be careful where you place adjectives, there are no “groups of bipartisan legislators.”
    -To receive feedback, add a post to the “Feedback please” category
    -Use purposeful summary in class notes and the white paper to boil down to the important information. It should function like an argument, showing the findings that are useful to your hypothesis. Be honest with what you include, as it’s more useful to leave in findings that oppose yours.
    -Write 3 purposeful summaries of counterintuitive articles
    -Invite argument with your premise
    -Make your argument researchable and proved, no matters of opinion or preference


  15. Fulcrum66 says:

    We begin class by discussing the question “Why is there no such thing as a group of bi-partisan legislators?” You need to flip bi-partisan legislators and group to make it make sense. We follow this by the professor explaining how to edit our hypothesis after we post it to our blog. After going over this we continue by discussing some of our upcoming assignments such as the purposeful summary and the White Paper. In the purposeful summary a main aspect you must consider is the purpose of what you’re trying to show in you on way from evidence you obtain from your sources. A purposeful summary has to tell the truth, but it can dispute the original by proving the information wrong. We continue by going over various topics with counterintuitive arguments such as the three DNA babies and immunization of immigrants coming into our country.


  16. Water says:

    Bi-partisan means when two groups of political parties combine and agree on one goal; you can’t have a group of bi-partisan legislators because that would insinuate that there will be two different groups, so the use of the bi-partisan word would not be true. The purposeful summary is an overview of the articles. To provide the details discussed in it, you share the ideas that the article mentioned and shape them to your liking with a direct message. Although you want to prove what you thought of the article, you can also have the counterintuitive aspect of the article, although it proved their hypothesis you should always look at the opposite and try to disprove the hypothesis. The white paper is where you would record your resources with a purposeful summary, it also has to be counterintuitive so that you can disprove your hypothesis.


  17. pinkheart84 says:

    Schedule a conference!!
    Be proud but not arrogant was the message we received for today.
    Upload an image for your avatar- can be anything.
    Add your hypothesis to two categories.
    The class was shown a video to Charlize Theron- included The Old Guard, Monster, Tully, North Country, Atomic Blond, Prometheus, The Road, Young Adult, The Yards, Reindeer Games, and more.
    The purposeful summaries and White papers have deadlines.
    “Why is there no such thing as a group of bi-partisan legislators?” Bi-partisan means the agreement of two political parties that usually oppose each other’s policies. It means each of them belong to both parties, but we want legislators to belong to different parties.
    Feedback please- Category, anytime you want.
    When you change your hypothesis- use feedback please.
    Professor checks “feedback please” everyday.
    The deadline menu shows us what assignments are due.
    White paper 1st draft is due on February 7.
    The purposeful summary is due February 9.
    The whole point of the purposeful summary is to write what is important; tell the truth, can dispute original, quotes should be reasonable.
    We watched the ethics of a three-parent baby which means a baby from DNA of three people. It’s meant to put healthy DNA into a baby to prevent birth defects. The UK legalized this.
    With all purpose summaries, start with “It seems counter intuitive that….”
    Ebola was an effective killer, and a Nigerian author thinks Africa should screen America for contamination. Elnathan John was concerned for measles because it is 9 times contagious and killed 430 children a day in 2011 worldwide.
    Prison Photography is an article of the aftermath in Haiti from an earthquake, riots and shootings. Police started shooting people. Photographers are sent to countries to take pictures of the horrible things happening in other countries and we demand the truth. It’s counter-intuitive that we send photographers to dangerous places to take photos then we accuse them of being heartless and insensitive. We get mad that they took the photos of what we asked to see.


  18. mellowtacos says:

    Message of the day- be proud but not arrogant

    Upload profile picture to counterintuitive

    Todays riddle
    “Why is there no such thing as a group of bi- partisan legislators”
    One person can’t be apart of two parties
    However you can have a bi-partisan group of legislators

    define bi-partisan
    adjective. involving the agreement or cooperation of two political parties
    that usually oppose each other’s policies.

    Feedback please
    Add “feedback please” category to your posts

    Names and the order of due dates have been properly rearranged

    Purposeful summary and white paper

    Purposeful summary
    Summarize only what is important
    Quotes should be reasonable sizes
    Don’t recount the entire article
    Use the material don’t lie, however, you may emphasize something more than the other

    The UK is legalizing fertilization using DNA from three people.
    The inclusion from a dna from a third party might get rid of the passing of genetic mutation
    Only passes on a permanent change to female children
    This technology may only be available to the rich
    The different purposeful summary opening
    – “It seems counterintuitive that human life, which everyone knows gets DNA from two parents when male sperm fertilizes a female egg, could ever require, or even make use of, the DNA of three parents. But that’s exactly what is happening…”

    – “It seems counterintuitive but is possibly true that Africans have more to fear from American visitors than we have to fear from them…”

    – “It seems counterintuitive that we send photographers into scenes of grave danger on the basis of our need to see, to fully understand, the catastrophes of natural phenomena or disastrous human choices, but then accuse them of sensationalizing their subjects when they deliver precisely what we have asked them to produce…”

    – due next Tuesday


    • davidbdale says:

      Those are nice, MT. I was hopeful you would indicate which of the several options for summarizing the 3-donor baby material you might favor, but I’m grateful you took the lesson that a small bit of material can contain so much information that it can be utilized to support many hypotheses.


  19. doglover846 says:

    – Upload an image for your profile
    – Leave a brief review under mandatory conferences
    White paper is now due Tuesday Feb. 07
    3 Purposeful Summaries due Thursday Feb. 09
    Why is there no such thing as a group of bi-partisan legislators?
    – You can have a bi-partisan group of legislators
    Remember to post your assignments with the Feedback Please catergory.
    For your purposeful summaries, there doesn’t have to be a set word count, you are suppose to condense the article into a couple of sentence or a couple paragraphs.
    Watched a video about a baby having three parents to potentially prevent birth defects.
    Start your purposeful summaries with, “It seems counterintuitive that…”
    White Paper: Chose your counterintuitive topic on the side bar
    – Develop you hypothesis
    – Username’s Proposal
    – Avoid- Survey, naming topics
    – Create: Controversial premise
    For your 5 Sources
    – Provide Link and a Title
    – Tell Prof what it is and how to use it


  20. fatjoe000 says:

    -Be proud of your ideas, but not arrogant
    -Why is there no such thing as a group of bi-partisan legislators? Can’t have a group of bi-partisan legislators but can have a bi-partisan group of legislators
    -“Feedback please” category for when you update your hypothesis
    -Purposeful Summary doesn’t bother to recount the entire subject matter
    -A purposeful summary is an argument, shapes a version of the subject matter, recounts a small portion of the original
    -Start the three summaries with “it seems counterintuitive that…”
    -The White Paper is due Tuesday the 7th
    -First five sources, including my hypothesis
    -For my hypothesis, avoid naming topics, avoid survey proposals, instead create a controversial premise
    -Give a background of the articles and how you intend to use it
    -Can tweak my hypothesis as time goes on
    -Purposeful summary is due Thursday the 9th


    • davidbdale says:

      These are good:
      -A purposeful summary is an argument, shapes a version of the subject matter, recounts a small portion of the original
      -For my hypothesis, avoid naming topics, avoid survey proposals, instead create a controversial premise


  21. sunflower0311 says:

    Agenda Notes:
    – You should be suspicious of your own ideas and doubt your beliefs so that you can find something new.
    – Purposeful Summary due Feb. 9th and White Paper due Feb 7th
    – Bi-partisan: involving the agreement or cooperation of two political parties that usually oppose each other’s policies.
    – You can have a bipartisan group because you can have people apart of different parties, but you cannot have a bipartisan legislator because somebody cannot be a part of two parties.
    – A purposeful summary does not recount the entire article but still needs to be true to the original. You can contradict material you just cannot lie about what it says.
    – A purposeful summary is an argument. It recounts only a small portion of the original.
    – Your white paper for the 7th must include your hypothesis (or multiple) and your first five sources.


  22. gobirds115 says:

    Class Notes 1/31:

    -Brief Housekeeping: add a profile picture if you haven’t yet, make sure you had your conference and if not schedule one, create a brief review of your conference results, and add hypothesis post to 2 categories

    -Quick Charlize Theron Overview: Quick video that showed some popular roles Charlize Theron took part in to familiarize the class with who she was after last weeks activity.

    -Why is there no such thing as a group of bi-partisan legislators? There can’t be a group of bi-partisan legislators because one person can’t belong to 2 parties. There can be a bi-partisan group of legislators because that means within the group there are people from both parties.

    -Feedback Please: useful tool to get feedback from Professor Hodges

    -Purposeful Summary: doesn’t bother to recount the entire subject matter of am article, shares very little of the content but does stay true to what the article is about; It shapes an argument within the subject matter to prove its own point only using a small portion of the subject matter; because a purposeful summary is based on a small portion of the subject matter, it can dispute the subject matter as a whole if there’s content within the subject matter that disputes the argument; we took a look at some articles that have counterintuitive themes to practice summaries;

    -Purposeful summaries for Video on UK allowing in vitro with 3 parents, Africa Measles Screenings on Americans, and Is this photo ethical: Professor Hodges showed us how to pose our purposeful summary and develop a stance in a short amount of words. The techniques he showed us on how to properly pose arguments while staying truthful were very helpful. Example: “While the amount of DNA is small, it nonetheless permanently alters the DNA…” Professor Hodges addressed the fact the amount of DNA is small but follows up immediately with what his argument is. This is effective because it positions the main point as the focus by putting it at the end while the other part gets bypassed in a way.

    -White Paper Draft: Due Feb 7th; Include the developing hypothesis, Avoid: naming topic as hypothesis, survey proposals, to broad or vague of an argument; Create: controversial premise, narrow framework for argument; include proposal, use 5 academic sources, provide a paragraph on the current state of research.


    • davidbdale says:

      I like the detail, GoBirds.
      Here’s a clarification, though. You say:

      Example: “While the amount of DNA is small, it nonetheless permanently alters the DNA…” Professor Hodges addressed the fact the amount of DNA is small but follows up immediately with what his argument is. This is effective because it positions the main point as the focus by putting it at the end while the other part gets bypassed in a way.

      I want to emphasize that position in the sentence is not the method for subordinating the less important idea to the more important idea. The technique is simple: put the subordinate idea in the dependent clause.
      In what follows, I’ll italicize the dependent (always the less important) clause. Notice, it’s the use of the word while, or though, the subordinators that makes the difference.
      1. While the amount of DNA is small, it nonetheless permanently alters the DNA of successive generations.
      2. The “third-parent” DNA permanently alters the DNA of successive generations, even though the amount of DNA is small.
      3. While it permanently alters the DNA of successive generations, the amount of “third-parent” DNA is small.
      4. The amount of “third-parent” DNA is very small, even though it permanently alters the DNA of successive generations.

      I hope that makes clear that, whether they come first or last, the clauses without the subordinators—the independent clauses—carry the primary argument.


  23. Shazammm says:

    – Conferences are being booked up. Leave a brief review of the conference after the appointment {DONE}.
    – “Be proud of your ideas but not arrogant…” They’re probably not good as you think they are. Yorg was a prehistoric caveman and thought fire was his friend. You can get “burned” from your ideas if you think they are wonderful and nothing less. Our job as college students is to doubt what we believe. It is normal to be all over the place in college. “Savor the ridiculous.”
    – Upload an image to our avatars so we can identify each other.
    – Add our hypothesis post to two categories {DONE}.
    – Riddle: Why is there no such thing as a group of bi-partisan legislators? Bi-partisan means “involving the agreement or cooperation of two political parties that usually oppose each other’s polices.” In order to be bi-partisan, you must be involved in two parties. Individuals in a group cannot be bi-partisan. However, you can have have a bi-partisan group of legislators, meaning that you can have a combination of Democrat and Republican legislators in the group. At least that is how I understand it {correct me if I am wrong}.
    – You ask for feedback on your work by adding the “feedback please” category. If you want to edit an assignment {such as the hypothesis assignment}, you just press the edit button underneath the assignment and then you publish it again when you’re done.
    – Purposeful summary: Summaries are basically condensing large works into something explainable. Purposeful summaries do not bother to recount the entire subject mater of the article. You are allowed to contradict the material you are summarizing. However, you cannot lie. A purposeful summary is also an argument. It is supposed to prove an individual point.
    – Start off every purposeful summary with “It seems counterintuitive that…” Probably the biggest part about these purposeful summaries is highlighting the contradicting aspect of the works.
    – White paper: DUE TUESDAY FEBRUARY 7TH {MONDAY FEBRUARY 6TH AT 11:59 PM}. Produce 5 sources that include your hypothesis. You hypothesis may change over the course of your research. If you want to change your hypothesis as you go, edit it in the original assignment. LOOK AT WHITE PAPER GUIDELINES.
    – Always check the deadline menu to look for upcoming deadlines.


  24. g00dsoup says:

    “Be proud of your ideas but not arrogant. Yorg thought fire was his friends and burned his yurt. Celebrating your brilliance is my job because I love you. Yours is to doubt your deepest beliefs and, with luck, to find yourself ridiculous.”
    It’s preliminary to discover something new

    It was recommended to upload a profile photo onto the blog.
    After the conference, be sure to leave a brief review of the conference (whether it was successful or not).
    Be sure to post the hypothesis to the categories (the hypothesis task and your own username)

    Why is there no such thing as a group of bi-partisan legislators?
    Bi-partisan: involving the agreement or cooperation of two political parties that usually oppose each other’s polices
    If you can have a bi-partisan group, but you can’t have a group of bi-partisan legislators

    Whenever you post to the blog, and you’d like feedback, you add the category “Feedback Please” to have it reviewed

    The Deadlines Menu is where all of our assignment due dates are located.

    Purposeful Summaries: When Summary is More than just Summary
    A purposeful summary does not bother to recount the entire subject matter of an article.
    It may share very little of the content of the original source, but it does remain true to the original
    The purposeful summary is an argument as it shapes its version of the subject matter of another author’s work to prove its own point
    The purposeful summary tells the truth. It doesn’t lie or mislead readers about the author’s claims
    The purposeful summary can provide the opposite of what the original author intended

    ***Illustrations are always superior to explanations***

    -It seems counterintuitive that human life could make use of the DNA of three parents
    These summaries should begin with “It seems counterintuitive that…”

    As we continue to work on the White Paper, your initial approach will continue to be refined. The hypothesis you propose must be specific, arguable, researchable, verifiable
    You should avoid naming topics and proposing a survey. Instead, create controversial premise. (specific)
    You should avoid broad and vague arguments and create a narrow framework for an argument. (arguable)
    Arguments about people’s feelings/beliefs and arguments that won’t be settled in our lifetime should be avoided. Instead, choose researchable evidence (researchable)
    Hypotheses with vague terms and unverifiable conclusions should be avoided and hypotheses that can be quantified should be used. (verifiable)


  25. inspireangels says:

    Started with a quote that in summary, we shouldn’t be arrogant with our ideas.

    We went over how to receive feedback. You have to add the “Feedback Please” category

    – Riddle: “bi-partisan legislators”, the point of the riddle was that a can’t have “a group of bi-partisan legislators” because means they are involved with two political parties. However, if you flip it to “a bi-partisan group”, that would be possible. The way words are placed in a sentence can change the meaning of the entire sentence overall.

    Purposeful Summaries:
    – a “purposeful summary” will not summarize the entire subject matter
    – a “purposeful summary” is an argument
    – This summary tells the truth, it has to be true to the source
    – It can dispute the original, you can prove the opposite of what a misguided author intended
    – Start the summary with “it seems counterintuitive”


  26. miliwawa says:

    -Our job as college students is to doubt our most prominent beliefs and ideas, while it’s the professor’s job to celebrate our brilliance.
    -The riddle of why is there no such thing as a group of bi-partisan legislators? You can’t have a group of bipartisan because that means they have two political parties, but you can have a bi-partisan group. This riddle shows that sentences can change meaning when words are switched around.
    -Categorize feedback on your posts to get critique.
    -A purposeful summary: Narrow the material you want to emphasize as much as possible, a short portion of the original material.
    -To summarize, start with “ It seems counterintuitive that….” and think about what makes it counterintuitive and change the emphasis in the argument.
    -The first draft is due Feb 7


  27. saycheese03 says:

    Warm-up: bi-partisan- two parties work together. flipping the words around on the riddle made the question make sense actually because every individual legislator can’t be bi-partisan however a group of people can be bi-partisan.

    Add the “feedback please” category to the hypothesis post

    Purposeful Summary: come up with a hypothesis to create a thesis to try to prove it. Add your opinions and or explain why the thesis is important to one’s self

    Three different summaries were shown as examples all with very controversial topics one being the three-parent baby. The UK is experimenting with putting three different codes of DNA instead of two in babies to help stop harmful mutations.

    Be true to original source but add some spice to it, add your arguments, and use the evidence from the source that was chosen.

    “It seems counterintuitive that”

    White Papers are due Tues 2/7 and the summary due Thurs 2/9


  28. clevelandbrown03 says:

    Be willing to change your argument and not stuck to just one idea of things.

    White paper due next Tuesday and summary on Thursday

    Add a picture for your avatar

    There is no such thing as a group of bi-partisan legislators because they can’t belong to two parties.

    define bi-partisan
    adjective. involving the agreement or cooperation of two political parties
    that usually oppose each other’s policies.

    UK video talks about putting different DNA in babies to stop genetic mutation.


  29. chickennugget246 says:

    *Upload a profile picture!*
    White paper and purposeful summaries are due next week.
    Why is there no such thing as a group of bi-partisan legislators? This is because there are no bi-partisan legislatures. But, there can be a bi-partisan group of legislators.
    “Feedback please” is a category that we can attach under our hypothesis (we have to edit and then update our hypothesis)
    Always look at the deadlines menu to stay on track and to make sure you are not missing any assignments!
    A purposeful summary does not bother to recount the entire subject matter of an article, it is an argument, it tells the truth, and it can dispute the original.
    Purposeful summary – for example, when we find useful articles, and we find 3 or so paragraphs that are helpful/important, we should ignore the rest of the article and only summarize those 3 important paragraphs. Purposeful summaries are arguments.
    Three-parent babies – controversial and counterintuitive since scientists are gathering DNA from 3 different people to create a baby that the parents think is ideal – this can lead to more and more people creating their own type of child, which cannot always be a good thing in the long run. We could summarize this video by gathering all different points and perspectives and writing a summary on each point of view.
    **Start each purposeful summary with, “It seems counterintuitive that…”
    Counterintuitive topics for purposeful summaries are in the sidebar (choose 3)
    White paper – gather your first 5 sources dealing with your hypothesis (provide a link to each of the 5 sources), give background on each source, and how you intend to use it.
    Our hypothesis must be specific, arguable, researchable, and verifiable.


  30. tmjj4345 says:

    -Upload a profile picture
    -Feedback Please is a tool to directly request and receive help from the professor
    -Be suspicious of your own ideas, stay humble and curious, and doubt your beliefs so you can be open to finding something new
    -Riddle explained how you can’t have “a group of bi-partisan legislators” because that means they are involved with two political parties, but you can have a “bi-partisan group.” This puts emphasis on the importance of the arrangement and placement of words, and the difference it makes
    -A purposeful summary is an argument that shapes the subject matter while also recounting a small portion of the original. It is truthful, and can dispute the original.
    -For my hypothesis, avoid naming topics, avoid survey proposals, instead create a controversial premise


  31. sortableelms says:

    We can’t have a group of bi-partisan legislators. It is like the empty scotch bottle riddle. It is a way of wording. A purposeful summary doesn’t bother to recount the entire subject matter, it remains true to the material and is credible. It is an argument. It shapes the subject to make it work for your idea of writing. With summaries, you can have many tones of many different ideas and feelings.
    White paper is due Tuesday


  32. jasrielle2 says:

    Tues Jan 31 Comp Notes
    adjective. involving the agreement or cooperation of two political parties
    that usually oppose each other’s policies.
    Today in class we were introduced with a quote

    Deadlines as well as agenda can be found on the home page of our class.

    Having to take pride in your ideas and claims being made in your writing. You have to have a strong mind towards your writing standing on the truth you are telling. Do not try to veer into the opposing side of your argument, it will sid if you support the beliefs you have


  33. music0392 says:

    In class today we had a riddle that asked “why is there no such thing as a group of bi-partisan legislatures?” and the reason is because a group of bi-partisan legislatures would be a group of people that support both parties, rather than a group of people, some from one party and some from another, which would be a bi-partisan group. This riddle shows how important it is to place your words in the correct places in a sentence to clarify the meaning of the sentence and not confuse readers. We also discussed purposeful summaries, and that it doesn’t have to be an ideal length, but to make a good summary that doesn’t recount the entire subject, but an argument that shapes the original author’s work to prove its own point, but not shaping the truth of the article. The summary can also dispute the article but not lie or misinterpret the original source. We tried this but watching a video about an experiment where there are three parents for a baby, rather than just two, using three people’s DNA to correct or prevent birth defects. The baby has less than 1% of the DNA from the second woman, but it would still pass down through generations. We should also start our summaries with “It seems counterintuitive that…”. From the article or video, there could be many different viewpoints taken to use in a purposeful summary. The summary examples we looked at all argued a point and acknowledged the fact that it’s counterintuitive with words like “although, while, despite” to begin the argument, and then ending the sentence with the claim. We looked through a couple of different articles about counterintuitive arguments, and we will choose one to write a purposeful summary on. Finally, we went through the White Paper requirements, including a proposal hypothesis that we will write. We should avoid naming a topic, proposing a survey or naming a broad topic and instead write a hypothesis with a controversial premise and researchable evidence.


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