02 THU JAN 19

Class 02 THU JAN 19

Writing Quote Thomas Mann

Meet the Ambassadors

    • Gavin Homan
    • Ava Comegno
    • Greg Scheuerman
  • 930 CLASS
    • Bria Lewis
    • Daniel Kelly


Housekeeping / Mechanics

  • Class Notes
    • For Participation Grades
    • Name the Takeaways / Specific Lessons
    • Make bold, specific claims
    • Avoid “Talked About” Language

Web Skills


Class Discussion

  • The Stanford Prison “Experiment”


Today’s New Tasks

  • Task: Preliminary Draft of My Hypothesis
    • DUE before class TUE JAN 24 (11:59pm MON JAN 23)


156 Responses to 02 THU JAN 19

  1. tristanb50 says:

    -during our discussion, someone mentioned the Stanford Prison Experiment was a failure because it can’t be reproduced
    -decided that the subject group’s shared identities (all white men) cannot be separated from how the experiment played out, and would play out much differently were the subjects of different races or genders
    -the Wayback Machine can be used to find saved copies of articles or websites that were moved or deleted
    -during Seal’s interview, he explains that he wrote Kiss from a Rose by going into it wanting to try something new, which is the key to counterintuitive thinking. He uses his limitations to his advantage. Seal couldn’t play an instrument at the time, so he draws inspiration from something familiar (orchestras) to create something unique.
    -my hypothesis preliminary draft due Tuesday


    • davidbdale says:

      Love your analysis of Seal’s technique, Tristan.


      • jasrielle2 says:

        Thurs Jan 19 Comp Notes
        Discussed today was the Stanford experiment. I agree that the experiment went too far and caused a lot more issues than solutions.
        We started class with “all text is argument” meaning there will always be another side to any claim being made, any statement. You can always put your beliefs as well as statements to any claim being thrown out.

        Making claims is something that has to be strongly present without second guessing your accusation in text. Backing up your claim is something essential to having a strong statement with other supporting evidence or experiments made.
        We spoke about persuasive arguments. Creating a paper is making an argument and trying to convince or persuade readers to agree with your side.

        Strong claims help with writing to build body.
        “All text is an argument” having a claim about something will always have an opposing belief.


  2. blueee04 says:

    Today, in class we discussed a riddle about a bottle of scotch and I didn’t realize the hidden grammar at first until it was revealed. I know how important grammar is but this made me realize that sometimes you have to look closely into things.


  3. pinkheart84 says:

    Ambassadors came in to teach us what to expect from the class.
    All text is an argument.
    Stop signs are proposals, no one can make you.
    Flashing red lights are bad arguments.
    “A writer is someone for whom writing is more difficult than it is for others”. I can relate to this quote because all of my papers usually come from me struggling and revising it.
    The first step of writing a paragraph or essay is to write a draft. It may be junky but will allow you to start.
    You don’t know what you’re writing about until you sit down and start writing.
    Step 2-9 of writing is to revise your paper.
    Step 10 is to publish your paper and then ultimately you may regret it because you didn’t revise enough.
    The bottle of scotch riddle is that the bottle cannot be considered a “bottle of scotch” unless there is scotch in it. If there is an empty bottle of scotch, it is just a bottle.
    The bottle of scotch riddle can help rethink your writing and be careful on how you use your grammar.
    The internet has all different points of view.
    The Stanford experiment had people feeling all different types of ways; disappoint, shocked, annoyed, fearful.
    Some people thought the experiment was pointless and that we didn’t need the experiment to know people will take advantage of the power they have.
    It is insanely disappointing how quickly the guards stripped the prisoner.
    People in my class thought it should have been older people or faculty in the experiment.
    People in my class believed the experiment was vile and disturbing.
    We talked in class on how the guards slowly started to enjoy the torture and hurting the prisoners.
    Everyone in class mostly agreed on how awful the guards and the experiment were.
    In the house of commons, you look at people with a different point of view as yours.
    “Kiss from a Rose” was the best male pop vocal performance.
    “Kiss from a Rose” is counterintuitive and has intervals in the melody.
    John Cage wrote a famous piece of music, it is 4 minutes and 33 seconds long, and it is the most counteractive piece of music that has ever been written.


  4. anonomyous123 says:

    -All text is argument
    -One of the main things in writing in revising because you can always make things better
    -incentives don’t work to help modify behavior
    -we then talked about all of the Stanford experiment and everyones class thoughts about it and how disturbing the experiment was. And just about how much this applies to the real world.
    -we then talked about Winston Churchill and London, the way the house of commons was made to make you feel like when your own there, there is a sense of urgency and how it was designed greatly.
    -now talking about the pop song the person who made the melody on the piano made something very great in the music industry and when asked how he did it he said he didn’t know that things like that you weren’t supposed to do.
    -we then talked about 4 minutes and 33 seconds about how he went out there didn’t play anything for 4 minutes and 33 seconds and then he left and it became one of the greatest pieces without playing a single note.


    • davidbdale says:

      This is a little broad:
      “-incentives don’t work to help modify behavior”
      You might need to modify that position a bit.

      Be wary of “talked about” language, Anonymous. It usually leads to no good. Here you’re using it to introduce actual claims, but if you don’t, you won’t be saying much. It would be pointless, for example to say “We talked about Winston Churchill and London” and nothing else.



  5. tmjj4345 says:

    – Previous students spoke about their experiences in this course and gave advice on how to become successful
    – All text is argument and can be disputed
    – The steps of composing a paper: brainstorm, outline, draft, revise, revise, and revise again, publish, regret
    – Warm-up: A riddle about an empty bottle of Scotch. It is a bottle emptied of Scotch, or an empty Scotch bottle because a bottle of Scotch would have scotch in it
    – “10 Shekels for Lateness” resulted in ‘fewer’ people showing up on time at a daycare in Tel Aviv
    – Student led discussion about Stanford Prison Experiment and how unethical it was
    – How the setup of the House of Commons promotes verbal argument and discussion
    – Musical and historical geniuses (Winston Churchill, John Cage…)
    – 4 minutes and 33 seconds is a counterintuitive piece of music with no notes


    • davidbdale says:

      Your Notes start out making specific points and claims, but lose their way, tmjj.

      This section is just a copy of the Agenda:

      – Student led discussion about Stanford Prison Experiment and how unethical it was
      – How the setup of the House of Commons promotes verbal argument and discussion
      – Musical and historical geniuses (Winston Churchill, John Cage…)

      Protect your 4/4 with specific claims about the subject matter.


  6. JalenHurts4Mvp says:

    -Had past students come in to talk about past experience.
    – Goes into depth about how all text is argument by citing examples
    – starts talking about the order of starting a paper, step 1 draft, step 2 revise, step 4 revise, step 5-9 revise, step 10 publish, step 11 regret
    – riddle for warmup
    -talk about the 10 shekels of lateness and what it means
    -Talks about the wayback machine to find an older link
    – Begin to talk about the Stanford prison experiment, A couple classmates felt as the students were to young to use for the experiment, and some felt that the conditions were awful. Another idea expressed was how the prison guards and inmates really started to believe how they were really these characters they were playing. Another opinion expressed was how the experiment was unethical and how there should have been more people watching the experiment from the sidelines to make sure everything stayed in check.
    -Starts to talk about counterintuitive journals, then goes right to talking about how brilliant Winston Churchill was, talks about how Churchill wanted to keep the smaller parliament room because a small room would encourage immediate action on whatever needed to be decided.
    -Talks about song, “Kiss from a rose” and how complex the song is, and how the man who wrote the song did it because he didn’t even know there was something wrong with what he was doing.
    – Hunters as wildlife conservationist is talked about as counterintuitive.


    • davidbdale says:

      Good material here, Hurts.
      This is the part that matters:

      Churchill wanted to keep the smaller parliament room because a small room would encourage immediate action on whatever needed to be decided.

      The rest of the language (the “talked about” language) is non-essential. Concentrate on making memorable claims derived from the material.


  7. Girlno3 says:

    1/19 class notes
    Heard from student ambassadors about the class
    All text is argument
    Revising is essential to writing
    Why is there no such thing as an empty bottle of Scotch? If its empty its not a bottle of scotch, its a bottle of scotch that has been emptied.
    Stanford prison “experiment” discussion
    The students they used were young and impressionable
    The guards started to enjoy the power and control they had over the prisoners
    The guards became more and more power hungry and the soldiers lost their will to fight back
    There should have been more people watching the experiment to keep it more in order
    They quickly fell into their roles that they were given
    The entire experiment was the researchers taking advantage of the students they were using
    This became the students real life, they were consumed by this experiment
    Counterintuitive journal
    A collection of counterintuitive ideas
    Winston Churchill “we shape our buildings, and afterwords our buildings shape us” he didn’t want to build a new designed House of Commons he wanted to re build it the way it was
    Kept the space small to keep everyone close together and busy together
    Opposing parties face each other when they’re talking
    John cage wanted to write music without influencing the music
    He wrote a “song” with no actual music, no note is played
    Hunters say they’re the ultimate defenders of wildlife, no money to save them without people paying the licensing to hunt


    • davidbdale says:

      These are good Notes, GirlNo3. Full of specific claims derived from the subject matter. You never have to agree with what is said, but it helps to remember specifically what was said.
      Quibble with this one:

      Why is there no such thing as an empty bottle of Scotch? If its empty its not a bottle of scotch, its a bottle of scotch that has been emptied.


      Why is there no such thing as an empty bottle of Scotch? If it’s empty, it’s not a bottle of scotch, it’s a scotch bottle that has been emptied.



  8. All text is argument (either true or false) until you prove the validity.
    – traffic signs included

    When you start writing:
    1. Write a draft (a crappy draft)
    2. Revise
    3. Revise
    4. Revise
    5. Revise
    6. Revise
    7. Revise
    8. Revise
    9. Revise
    10. Publish
    11. Regret (because it needed more revisions)

    The wayback machine:
    Shows every time someone made copies of a post/article/picture/etc.
    Meaning: if you post something, it never goes away, it can always be found

    Talking about the Stanford Prison Experiment discussion:
    – It was very unethical and there should have been someone overseeing the entire experiment who was not involved in any way.
    – It showed how their mindset changed very quickly from rebelling the first day, to becoming very submissive.
    – (Some) Guards immediately became power hungry and started withholding food rations along with bathroom “privileges”.
    – The guards took advantage of the one prisoner who developed psychological damage in order to gain more power.
    – deprivation of sunlight was very inhumane
    – There may have been a very different result if there were different ages/races/genders, however we did learn how young white males adapted to prison situations.

    “we shape our buildings, and afterwards our buildings shape us.”

    There is urgency and business to a smaller building

    “I didn’t know I couldn’t do those things”- when you are a genius, you don’t need an explanation

    “Hunters characterize themselves as the ultimate defenders of the very wildlife species they lust to kill by explaining that most of the money raised to conserve the wild animals and their habitats come from license auctions for the right to shoot them.”

    The things we think we can do to make the world better, sometimes makes it worse… and vise versa.


    • davidbdale says:

      Lovely Notes, SaltySurfer.
      Punctuation error:

      bathroom “privileges”.


      bathroom “privileges.”

      This is true ALWAYS! Both for periods and commas. INSIDE the quotation marks.
      I like this: There is urgency and business to a smaller building.


  9. sunflower0311 says:

    Agenda Notes
    – All text is argument because everything that is written can be true or false and you have to find out if its valid.
    – Steps to writing
    1. Draft: You do not have an idea until you put it into words
    2-9. Revise
    10. Publish
    11. Regret: Needed more revisions.
    – There is no such thing as an empty bottle of scotch because an empty bottle would have nothing in it and there for cannot be filled with scotch. It can be called a scotch bottle but not a bottle of scotch.
    – If you need to find a URL that does not work anymore you can use the Way Back Machine to find copies of the original article.

    Stanford Prison Discussion Notes
    – An interesting point was made about maybe having students be prisoners but making faculty members guards because they already have experience with control.
    – It disturbed a lot of us that some of the guards started to enjoy torturing the inmates.
    – The inmates mindset changed rapidly from rebelling on the first day to becoming submissive towards the end.
    – Somebody should have been overseeing the whole experiment who was not at all involved in the experiment.
    – The people in the experiment really mentally committed to the whole experiment and lost themselves in it.
    – A point was brought up that it may have been unethical to hold the experiment in the basement because it deprives the inmates of sunlight which is essential to our well-being.

    Agenda Notes
    – When the House of Commons was bombed, and it needed to be rebuilt. Winston Churchill said, “We shape our buildings, and afterwards our buildings shape us” He wanted to build it the same way it used to be, and they did.
    – John Cage wrote a famous piece of music called 4 minutes and 33 seconds where the pianist just sits quietly at the piano for 4 minutes and 33 seconds.
    – Hunters categorize themselves as wildlife conservationist for the animals they want to kill because the money they spend on licenses to hunt the animals goes to helping the species survive.


    • davidbdale says:

      Love your Notes right from the start, Sunflower.
      This is great:

      – All text is argument because everything that is written can be true or false and you have to find out if its valid.

      When you say this:

      – When the House of Commons was bombed, and it needed to be rebuilt. Winston Churchill said, “We shape our buildings, and afterwards our buildings shape us” He wanted to build it the same way it used to be, and they did.

      I wonder why. Did he have a reason? Do you appreciate it or agree?


  10. fatjoe000 says:

    – All text is argument until you can test what it is saying
    – Writing process starts with draft, revise, revise, revise, revise, publish
    – We discussed the Stanford Experiment
    – Some of the thoughts were that the people included in the experiment should have been older, maybe the faculty should have
    – Was disturbing on how fast the guards abused their power
    – Was overall an unethical experiment
    – Was shocking to see how deep the guards and the prisoners fell into their roll, even Zimbardo who was “conducting” the experiment
    – Interesting to see how fast things went downhill, big “what if” factor on what could have happened if the experiment lasted the whole two weeks
    – What if the people in the experiment were more diverse? Not just white males
    – Consider a counterintuitive journal, use it to keep track of insights and observations that occur to me
    – The House of Commons is designed so that the opposing sides face each other, opposite of congress in the U.S
    – John cage wrote a very famous counterintuitive piece, he sat at a piano for four minutes and 33 seconds and didn’t play anything
    – Categories for the hypothesis are your username and “my hypothesis”


    • davidbdale says:

      These are really good, FatJoe. Full of clear claims. Feel free to mix in your own observations and opinions. It might help you remember how you reacted to what was being said.


  11. bieberfever6 says:

    Today’s class began with two former students discussing their personal experience with Professor Hodges’s class. This was followed by a brief discussion of the steps of creating an essay. The Way Back Machine was introduced to find copies of original documents which can be helpful in the future. The class was then encouraged to discuss the Stanford Prison Experiment. This brought up some interesting questions as to how unethical the actions of the students were. We then discussed stories that demonstrate counterintuitive actions. We discussed a brief story of Winston Churchill and the House of Commons, along with racist comments, “Kiss from a Rose” by Seal, 4 minutes 33 seconds and how popular it is with not a note played. To continue how hunters are actually wildlife conservationists and how wildlife lovers actually harm the wildlife more.


  12. doglover846 says:

    – In todays class we started off with meeting the class ambassadors. After being formally introduced they talked about their experiences with what the class holds.
    – We discussed how “All text is an argument” because text is a statement and that can always be an argument.
    – For the majority of class we talked about the Stanford Prison “Experiment”, where a a student came up in front of the class and talked among us where we got to share our opinions about how unethical it was for the prisoners treated being treated the way that they were. That the experiment was taken too far to the point that the guards felt so empowering to treat the prisoners that way.


    • davidbdale says:

      I understand your Notes, DogLover, because I was there, but if I hadn’t been, I’d have no idea what anybody said. The best Notes will put you back in the room where you’ll recall the specifics of the content, not just the topics. For all I know reading your Notes, your classmates might have unilaterally complained that the prisoners were pampered when they should have been shot.


  13. mellowtacos says:

    We met an ambassador who gave us an unbiased insight of what the course is truly like.
    All text is an argument. It’s an argument until you test the validity of the statement. Things like traffic signs are arguments. Stop signs at 2 am when no one is around is an argument.
    Steps of writing
    1. Writes a draft
    2. Revise
    3. Revise
    4. Revise
    5 – 9. Revise
    10. Publish
    11. Regret (needed more revision)
    Grammar riddle
    There is no such thing as an empty bottle of scotch because once the bottle is empty it is no longer a bottle of scotch instead just a regular bottle.

    You can no longer call it an empty bottle of scotch
    You can say…
    She hit me with an empty Scotch bottle.
    She hit me with a bottle that had been emptied of Scotch.
    She hit me with a bottle from which all the Scotch had been emptied.
    She hit me with a bottle emptied of Scotch.
    She hit me with a bottle she had emptied of Scotch.

    Fewer people came on time when there was a money price on their time.

    The wayback machine
    Fixes broken links

    Group discussion (the stanford prison experiment)
    Topics we discussed
    They should not have use students
    The pressure if being a good prisoner made it feel real
    Looked like they slowly started to enjoy torturing the prisoners
    The guards gradually got more power hungry
    Experiment was extremely unethical
    They really became their roles (mentally committed)

    Parliament redesign
    Winstont churchill said “we shape our buildings and afterwards our buildings shape us”
    Churchill wanted to rebuild the house of commons back to the original way. A small chamber provides a certain business.
    They are facing their opposition to the way it is built. A big value in looking at the opposite party

    When we entered the classroom Professor was playing “a kiss from a rose”
    John Cage wanted to write music without being the one to write it because he thought it would be better. It would almost be as if you could read a book that didn;’t have an author.

    Read a couple paragraphs about unintended incidents


    • davidbdale says:

      Love these Notes, MellowTacos. This list of specific claims is particularly strong:

      They should not have use students
      The pressure if being a good prisoner made it feel real
      Looked like they slowly started to enjoy torturing the prisoners
      The guards gradually got more power hungry
      Experiment was extremely unethical
      They really became their roles (mentally committed)



  14. g00dsoup says:

    -We were introduced to Ambassadors, Daniel Kelly and Bria Lewis.
    ~They both discussed what to expect for the class
    -All text is an argument discussion. Any form of text can be seen as an argument (ex. traffic signs)
    -Discussed procedure for writing an essay
    ~Draft, revise (as many as needed), publish, regret (hopefully there will be no regrets…)
    – Discussion on Stanford Prison Experiment
    ~Everyone noticed how everyone quickly the prisoners and guards went into their roles.
    ~Many emotions were expressed regarding the behavior of the guards (how they handled punishments as an example)
    ~Something that interested me during the discussion was the location of the experiment, (in a location which deprives the people involved of natural health benefits)
    ~An overall good discussion question brought up: “What would’ve happened if the people in the experiment were diverse (different backgrounds, age, career level, etc)?
    -Winston Churchill refused to redesign the House of Commons after it was destroyed
    ~He states, “We shape our buildings, and afterwards our buildings shape us”
    -The melody of “Kiss From a Rose” by Seal is very complex
    ~”It felt like the right thing to do”


    • davidbdale says:

      Some of these are so terse they might lose meaning by the time you get back to them, if you ever need them. But they clearly demonstrate your presence and attention, and they’re quite strong for the most part, G00dSoup.


  15. miliwawa says:

    -Old students came in to talk about what to expect for this course.
    -All text is an argument unless the validity is tested.
    -To write an essay, start with a draft, revise it multiple times, make it public, and finally regret it.
    -Discussed the Stanford prison experiment.
    -How everyone in the experiment took their roles to the next level and became someone they were not; they all got out of there traumatized.
    -Everyone in the class felt it was disturbing and not what they expected the experiment to be.
    -One of the bombs destroyed the house of commons.
    -A smaller chamber contributes to the importance of the proceedings.
    -The house of commons was made so that they would face the opponents, designed so they could only argue and not inflict violence.
    -Song “Kiss from a rose” by Seal is an example of counterintuitive; he wanted to write a song without actually writing it.
    -Most of the money to protect the wildlife comes from the licenses auctions for the right for them to kill animals.


    • davidbdale says:

      I love your Notes, Miliwawa (or is it MiliWawa?), but I have a quibble with the Seal observation. It was John Cage who wanted to eliminate the composer from composition.


  16. gobirds115 says:

    -Former students came in and shared their experiences and insight to help guide students on how to manage the workload in this class and gave us a basic understanding of what to expect in this class
    -All text is argument: Everything we read is technically an argument because we can determine whether or not what we’re reading is true or not and all text needs proving just like an argument does. Even things like traffic signs are arguments/proposals.
    -Steps to construct a piece of writing: Draft, Multiple Revisions, Publish, Regret
    -There’s no such thing as an empty bottle of scotch because the bottle is empty therefore there is no scotch
    -The 10 Shekels for lateness fine actually incentivized lateness rather than being on time because people had the mindset of “it’s only 10 Shekels”
    -Stanford Experiment Discussion: classmates felt that the participants were too young; classmates felt that as the experiment progressed their roles became internalized and accepted; classmates felt disgusted on the way the guard to prisoner relationship evolved throughout the experiment as the guards went on a power trip leading to submissive prisoners; classmates felt that the supervision of the experiment was unethical due to the fact that the lead supervisor actually partook in the simulation and was sided with the guards, which caused him to internalize his role and go numb to what was actually trying to be accomplished
    -Counterintuitive Journal: An example used by Professor Hodges of counter intuition was a quote from Winston Churchill “We shape our buildings, and afterwards they shape us” ; The Doubt the Pilots excerpt was a great example of counter intuition because one of the passengers was happy to see that his flight was led by black pilots after years of unfair treatment in society but then found himself questioning their ability when they experienced turbulence; Kiss from a Rose by Seal uses counter intuition in the breakdown before the chorus by switching between chords that don’t ever seem to be played consecutively in music; Another example of counter intuition that I thought was worth noting was the wildlife conservationists actually threatening the wildlife by raising a new flock of an endangered species of birds just to have them land in the yard of an elderly couple where they were fed and nurtured becoming somewhat domesticated/human dependent which was the opposite of what the wildlife conservationists intended.


    • davidbdale says:

      What makes me happiest about these excellent Notes, GoBirds, is that you’re using the space to INTERACT with the material of the course, not merely transcribing the content but evaluating and weighing it. Very nice.


  17. inspireangels says:

    Class Notes
    The ambassadors came in the talk about the workload of the class and how their experience was overall in this composition class. It was very insightful to know what type of class this is going to be.

    How to start an essay
    1. Draft
    2. Revise
    3. Revise
    4. Revise
    5-9. Revise
    10. Publish
    11. Regret

    The Stanford Prison Experiment
    – We discuss the Stanford Prison Experiment with the class and share our thoughts about the overall experiment. We mention the effect it had on the guards and prisoners who were college students. The behavior of the guards and prisoners started to change drastically in the span of only two days. The class wondered how the experiment would be different if there were more diversity in race and gender.

    Doubt the Pilots
    – Bishop Desmond Tutu has been given a Nobel Prize Award of Peace for his work.

    – We were shown a video of the song “Kiss From a Rose” and the person in the video explained the melody of the song and why it had become such a hit song.


    • davidbdale says:

      If I hadn’t attended this class myself, InspireAngels, I wouldn’t have any idea how the guards and prisoners behaved, the point of the Desmond Tutu story, or what the song had to do with anything.

      It will help you write better notes to pretend to be a reporter whose job is to convey the actual content of the conversations, not merely name the topics.



  18. sortableelms says:

    The ambassadors were overall very positive and helpful. They said to make sure to get feedback earlier rather than later since it is first come first served. Revising is an important part of writing an essay. We talked about the riddle “No such thing as a bottle of scotch.” It fascinated me how a simple change in writing can change the meaning of something. It is interesting to hear everyone’s point of view. Overall everyone was in agreement over the anger because of the guards. It is interesting to see how the smaller Parliament that faces each other makes them forced to make the opposing sides talk rather than fight. It is brilliant to have it be just slightly too big for two swords. I absolutely loved Seal’s “Kiss from a Rose.” I never really thought about the cords and how complex it is. The first draft of the hypothesis is due Tuesday.


    • davidbdale says:

      These tiny Notes do more to convey your interaction with the material than lots of longer reports do, SortableElms. Several students quoted Churchill’s “We shape our buildings, and afterwards they shape us” comment, but so far nobody else gave the concrete example of how the shape of Commons influences behavior. More Notes like these, please.


  19. chickennugget246 says:

    Daniel Kelly and Bria Lewis spoke to the class
    They discussed the expectations of the class and the work load
    Three 1,000 word essays and lots of revisions
    Professor Hodges is here to help!
    Everything is an argument
    Steps to writing:
    First step: write a draft
    Second step: revise
    Third step: revise
    Fourth step: revise
    Step 5-9: revise
    Step 10: publish
    Step 11: regret
    There is no such thing as an empty bottle of scotch because an empty bottle is just an empty bottle and a bottle of scotch would have scotch in it.
    “10 Sheckels for Lateness” – Fewer people came on time
    We had a class discussion on the video we watched about the Stanford Prison Experiment. We talked about the guards and prisoners’ roles within the experiment and how quickly they immersed themselves in their roles. The guards abused their power which psychologically disturbed the prisoners.
    4 minutes and 33 seconds – the most counterintuitive piece of music that has ever been written


    • davidbdale says:

      You manage to blend both valuable and not-valuable Notes in the same brief section, ChickenNugget.

      We talked about the guards and prisoners’ roles within the experiment and how quickly they immersed themselves in their roles. The guards abused their power which psychologically disturbed the prisoners.

      “Talked About” language is always dangerous. It indicates that you’re going to identify a topic (lacks value) instead of making claims about it. You quickly shift to valuable note-taking with

      they quickly immersed themselves in their roles. The guards abused their power which psychologically disturbed the prisoners.


      Liked by 1 person

  20. oatmealvibes says:

    The experiment was heavily debated with the class on whether or not the experiment was reliable. Many concluded it was not reliable as a scientific experiment/study because of the reasons such as Zimbardo being the researcher and forgetting his role as a researcher and not head of the prison or such as one of the prisoners stating that he faked his mental breakdown to get out of the experiment. Most of the classed agreed that while not a reliable scientific study, it has showed the world how when someone is put into any social hierarchy role, most will play that role and stereotype of power. We brought the topic of women into the experiment and how the experiment would of turned out different if the sample pool was women or mixed with men and women and the results from most of the girls in class concluded that the women would of had a much more humanized approach to being guards/prisoners. Women, POC, or any other group of people would of changed the experiment results drastically and how this experiment showed more about white men than human nature in general.
    A writer is someone who finds writing more difficult than others.
    A riddle of “why is there no such thing as an empty bottle of scotch” and the answer is can’t be a bottle of scotch if it’s an empty bottle. For it to be a bottle of scotch, it has to have scotch in it.
    In a future agenda, professor posted a link to “10 shekels on lateness” but it had a 404 message. He tried another source but he got the same results. So he proposed using the wayback machine instead, he used the same link and found a different post. He had gone back and found the post he wanted. He wanted to help show us a way to find posts that may have been deleted.
    He started a counter-intuitive journal, an example he did was that in 1941, the house of commons was destroyed by Hitlers bombs, Winston Churchill proposed the building should be rebuilt the was it was before as he thought buildings are shaped by us and then that building shapes us.
    Bishop Desmond TuTu was awarded the noble peace price and was known to be one of the most generous people in the world. However even himself had suffered bigotry. When he was on a plane with black pilots, when turbulence happened, he was concerned if they would be able to handle the turbulence.
    Seal’s big song “Kiss from a Rose” Seal explained that he didn’t know he wasn’t supposed to make a song the way he had.
    Another example of counter-intuitive such as 4 minutes, 33 seconds. The pianist performs the song by composer John Cage and the pianist sits there for 4 minutes and 33 seconds and doesn’t play. It’s to fill the room with sound of the room instead of piano.
    We ended class with a preview to a researched persuasive argument and the looming deadline of “My Hypothesis”.


    • davidbdale says:

      Beautiful Notes, Oatmeal. Very specific and written to help the reader recall the content and interpretation of the course material.

      Allowing for typos and “haste-typing” errors, I think I can help you with one small bit of grammar. You make the same mistake twice in two sentences:

      girls in class concluded that the women would of had a much more humanized approach to being guards/prisoners. Women, POC, or any other group of people would of changed the experiment results drastically

      The corrected grammar is:

      girls in class concluded that the women would HAVE had a much more humanized approach to being guards/prisoners. Women, POC, or any other group of people would HAVE changed the experiment results drastically

      Hope that quibble didn’t mar my overall praise of you excellent Notes. 🙂


  21. Peer-lead Discussion- Stanford Prison Experiment
    – discussed feelings and opinions on the Stanford Prison Experiment based on our notes, understood and respected each other’s opinions and beliefs
    -determined as a class that the experiment was not only unethical, but did not provide a good look into true ‘human’ nature

    -discussed not putting ‘final draft-worthy’ excerpts into first drafts
    -write sloppy first drafts to show editing progress

    The Wayback Machine
    -good source for research, shows the frequency at which specific pieces of information are saved and saved excerpts of the sources

    Forming a Proper Hypothesis
    -don’t use ‘proves or disproves’, use ‘accepts or rejects’

    Ideas behind Counterintuitive Thinking
    -“I didn’t know I wasn’t supposed to do that. It just felt right.”


  22. davidbdale says:

    I know everything about Stanford except what you thought about it, PitAndThePendulum


  23. It’s difficult to write if you’re naturally a writer. During first drafts, you should let go of having a perfect draft so that you’re able to be willing to change the majority of your original form. Whilst talking about ten seckles of lateness an article he usually uses to teach got shut down. Through talking about this and telling us the story he showed us how and why we can use the Wayback Machine. He introduces us to his counter-intuitive journal with the first post being about Winston Churchill beginning to rebuild the house of commons and London. He told us a quote from Desmond tutu commenting on his internalized racism. His next counter-intuitive journal about ‘ Kiss from a Rose’ by Seal.


  24. davidbdale says:

    Where I found the “missing” Notes to the Agenda for THU JAN 19:

    02 THU JAN 19


  25. Water says:

    Today, we discussed the Stanford experiment and how it was inhumane and dehumanizing. We mentioned how different things would’ve gone if the roles were either reversed or if women were involved instead of white men, many thoughts and different points of view were expressed. One of the takes that I thought was interesting was when the concept of the genders being swapped and how it may or may not have been the same result. I personally think that it would be different but barely, anyone with power thinks strongly about how they were looked at, it gave them sort of a god complex. The riddle was a grammar joke, the Waybackmachine is an interesting tool to bring back something from the past that may not be as present.


  26. jasrielle2 says:

    Thurs Jan 19 Comp Notes
    Discussed today was the Stanford experiment. I agree that the experiment went too far and caused a lot more issues than solutions.
    We started class with “all text is argument” meaning there will always be another side to any claim being made, any statement. You can always put your beliefs as well as statements to any claim being thrown out.

    Making claims is something that has to be strongly present without second guessing your accusation in text. Backing up your claim is something essential to having a strong statement with other supporting evidence or experiments made.
    We spoke about persuasive arguments. Creating a paper is making an argument and trying to convince or persuade readers to agree with your side.

    Strong claims help with writing to build body.
    “All text is an argument” having a claim about something will always have an opposing belief.


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